This is a list of categories for which I have found videos that can help in the learning process. Clicking on each link will take you to the page that has a list of videos by sub category. However in some cases it may take you to a training course on the subject that has links to videos within it.
Additionally here is a link to Google Hangouts of Live Online Training that I have done:
Hear is a video I made on How to watch You Tube Videos on computer:
And a link to a playlist of 17 videos about using YouTube on phone:
And How to watch a training video and do what is shows at the same time
And a video on how to find good training vodeos
Also Inside your Computer
Early Computing: Crash Course
A Telstra video that is a bit out of date
How to use a Google Hangout on Air to make training Videos
Using Hangout on Air to Making Training Videos -Within the Hangout
Using Hangout on Air to Making Training Videos -Getting back to the recording
How to create them (Business Perspective)
Another video on how to set up Google Hangouts on Air
BitTorrent, how it works?
BitTorrent as Fast As Possible
This Guy goes very fast, so you may need to pause and reposition the video a few times.
What is not stated in these videos about Alpha Channel is that they allow what is in the layers below them to be see because of the transparent/alpha part
Means curving and bending text, on arcs curves, circles and the like