
Word Beyond the Basics

The purpose of this session is to give students who only have a basic knowledge of how to use Microsoft Word a greater knowledge of some of the other functions and features of Microsoft Word.

To be able to do this course it is assumed that you know how to do the following:

  1. - Start word
  2. - Type a simple document
  3. - Do simple editing
  4. - Save and retrieve documents

At the beginning of the course we will ask each of the participants the following:

  1. - How long you have been using Microsoft word?
  2. - What version of word do you use?
  3. - Primarily what you use Microsoft word for?
  4. - What are the major features you use of Microsoft word?
  5. - What you cannot do but would like to be able to do?
  6. - What features you know about but cannot use and want to be able to use?
  7. - What you hope to get out of doing this course?

What will be covered in the course will be based on the answers to these questions.

Further below are some things that could be covered in the course


  1. - Copy the 7 questions above into a Word Document
  2. - Below each question leave a blank line, write your answer to the question followed by another blank line
  3. - Save the Document as “Word Beyond the Basics - To Do”
  4. - Email the document to your instructor

How to learn how to use word

The Microsoft Word, Help, tends not to be very helpful and is sometimes difficult to find what you're looking for.

Because Microsoft word is such a common program, instructions on how to use it are very common on the Internet.

It is not only written instructions that at common, but also video instructions. If the picture is worth a 1000 words then a moving picture must be worth a million words.

The best way to find any information on the Internet is to do a Google Search.

Because the word “word” is common I suggest, within your search, you use “ MS word” followed by the subject that you wish to find help on. For example “ MS word Redo Video”.

If you only want to find videos, after the search results are shown, you can click on the word “Utube” at the top of the search results.

Once you have found help on the function, if you wish to perform it, it can sometimes be difficult to read the help and perform the function in word.

To overcome this difficulty you can have your screen split into two windows. You can search on the Internet on how to do this or ask your instructor.

If you are watching a video on how to perform a function, often the video screens are too small to see what is happening. To overcome this problem, often there will be an icon in the bottom right hand corner which allows the video to be shown as full screen.

Videos can usually be paused by pressing the icon that represents pause, usually on the bottom left of the video screen. Then the icon will change to a play. Additionally is often possible via a slider at the bottom of the video to position at any point on the video you wish to be at.

Videos can be repeated multiple times so that you get a better idea of what you're supposed to be doing.

Some text help and video help is better than others. You will find there are more than one search result on help on a particular subject. If you find you cannot understand the text or the video then search again and I'm sure you will find one which is more suited to your requirements.


  1. - Search for a video on what word wrap is in Word
  2. - Start watching the video
  3. - Make the video full screen
  4. - Pause the video
  5. - Continue playing the video until you see the bit that explains word wrap
  6. - Use the video slider to see the bit that explains word wrap again
  7. - In a word document write an explanation of what word wrap is
  8. - Save the document as “Word beyond the basics - How to learn how to use word”

Undo, redo, repeat

Word keeps what is called and undo buffer. That is, it keeps a record of the last things than you asked it to do. So, if you make a mistake you can undo that mistake.

The opposite of this is to RE doing something. That is if you mistakenly undo something you can redo it.

Another variation of this theme is the ability to repeat functions.

Video on how to use it: http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/word-help/video-undo-an-action-in-word-2010-VA102516642.aspx

If not already on ribbon, click down arrow on ribbon, tick Undo


  1. - Copy all the above section into a word document
  2. - Delete the word “Undo” in the first sentence
  3. - Use the undo function. What happened and why? The word “undo” was put back because you undid deleting the word “Undo”
  4. - Use the redo function. What happened and why? The word “undo” was deleted again because you redid the delete
  5. - Start a new paragraph below the current text. Type “Now”
  6. - Use the repeat function. What happened and why? The word now is repeated because you invoked the repeat function
  7. - Use the repeat function 3 times. See if you can work out a faster way of doing the repeat function.
  8. - How do you think you could repeat a large section of text.

Different modes of selecting text

Click and drag, Shift and Navigation arrow, CTL and Shift to do Multiple selections

Video on how to do it: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10eoaq_word-2013-tutorial-selecting-text-microsoft-training-lesson-2-13_tech#.UblbZvlmiSo

Setting and Using Tabs

Tabs in Microsoft word are positions along the line where when you press the key on the keyboard, that is the tab key, so that the insertion point, the flashing vertical bar, will move to that position. The idea of using tabs is to save having to space across to a particular position on a line.

It is possible to have multiple tabs set, So that each time the tab key is pressed the insertion point will jump to that position.

Tabs are set in word simply by clicking on the ruler.

If the ruler is not currently shown, click on the view tab and tick the ruler box.

Video on how to do it: http://www.ehow.com/video_4983345_set-tabs-microsoft-word-document.html


  1. - Make sure that the ruler is currently being displayed. If it is not, click on the view tab and tick the ruler box.
  2. - Click on the 1 position on the ruler. What happened? A tab position marker is displayed on the ruler.
  3. - Set another tab at position 3 and yet another one at position 5
  4. - Type, “Testing tabs” and press enter to go to the next line
  5. - Press the tab key. What happened? The insertion point should have moved to that tab position.
  6. - Type “ this is the first tab”
  7. - Press the enter key so you're on the next line
  8. - Press the tab key. Again type “this is the first tab”
  9. - Press the enter key again so you're on the next line
  10. - Press the tab key twice. Why are you at a different position? Because you press the tab key twice it has gone to the second tab. Type “ this is the second tab”
  11. - Use what you have learnt to type something on the third tab

Setting and Using Margins

Margins allow you to determine where on the page your text will appear. There is a left, right, top and bottom margin that can be set so that you can set how far from the left, right, top and bottom of the page the text will be. By making the margin larger you are reducing the amount of the page that can have text on it.

You can change the margins as many times as you want throughout a document. Often it is difficult to see where margins have been changed throughout a document, other than noticing that the text does not go to the same position on a page. This could be because of the margins being changed or for other reasons, such as indents, hanging indents, columns and tabs.

In word there is also a Gutter margin. The gutter margin is a typographical term used to designate an additional margin added to a page layout to compensate for the part of the paper made unusable by the binding process. That it where the printed pages a glued to a book binder or where holes are punched in the printed document when pages are put in a ring binder.

Video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9jZfTN23hY


  1. - Start a new document
  2. - Copy the section of text above into the document.
  3. - Click the cursor on the start of the second paragraph
  4. - Click on the page layout tab and then click margins. What happened? A group of pre-set margins appeared
  5. - Click on the “Narrow” pre-set margin. What happened? The text below where you have set the margin changed to reflect the new margin setting
  6. - Click at the beginning of the third paragraph. Click on the page layout tab and then click margins.
  7. - Click on Custom Margins. What appeared? A new window that allows you to set your own custom margins
  8. - Set larger margins and select in the “Apply to” ,“This point forward” What effect did this have on the following text? Because the margins were larger, less text could be shown on the page

Setting and using Columns

Columns in Word basically allow you to have multiple left and right margins on a page so that the text is show as multiple columns in a newspaper format. Columns are sometimes called newspaper columns. Text is generally easier to read in a newspaper column format. That is why newspapers use this format.

Within the restriction on the size of a page any number of columns can be set. The setting of columns can be done anywhere in a document and can be changed anywhere in a document. It can sometimes be difficult to see where column setting have been changed especially when combined with other formatting changes.

Video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaLCT4fRLv8


  1. - Start a new document and copy the above text into it
  2. - Select all of the first paragraph
  3. - Click on the Page Layout Tab and then click on Columns. What appeared? A drop down showing you pre-set columns
  4. - Click on “Two”. What happened? The selected paragraph is now in two evenly spaced columns
  5. - Select all of the second paragraph
  6. - Use what you have learnt to make it into three columns.
  7. - Experiment in the other column formats

Page Breaks

In word, based on many factors, a new page will be created as you type text. This is called a soft page break. In document view this is show as the text appearing on another page. In draft view a dotted line indicated the page break.

Often the soft page break may not appear when you want it to be, like part way through a paragraph. To overcome this you can put in a forced or hard page break. If you do put in hard page break and then add more text above the hard page break you may end up with the hard page break where you do not want it. Therefore it is best to only enter hard page breaks after you have finished all the other editing of your document.

Other than putting in hard page breaks, some other ways of changing where pages end are: changing the margins, changing the font style and size and changing the line spacing.

Video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdhqlwEdscs


  1. - Create a new document and copy sufficient of the above text so that it goes across multiple pages
  2. - At the beginning of the last paragraph on the first page whilst holding down the CTRL key press the Enter Key. What happened? The text below this point is now on the next page.

Line Numbers

This function in word allows each line in a document to have its line number displayed to the left of the text. The numbering can be continuous through out the document or can restart from one, at the beginning of each page or section. It is used where multiple people may be reviewing the same document and want an easy way of referring to a specific line. Where multiple people are collaborating on the production or editing of a document there are better features for doing so, such as Cloud computing with version control or Words track changes

Video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQqDQdtgPEQ


  1. - Create a new document and copy the above text to it
  2. - From what you have learnt in the video make the document so that it shows line numbers
  3. - Experiment with other line numbering functions

Format Painter

The format painter in word is simply copying formats, such a font style and size, color, bold, underline and the like to other text in your document. It is useful if you want to copy multiple formatting to other parts of your text. Another way to do much the same thing is to use Styles.

Video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CigVPk1mzqE


  1. - Create a new document and copy the above text into it.
  2. - Select the words “format painter” and then whilst holding down the CTRL key press in turn the B key, the U key and the I key. What happened. CTL +B changed the text to Bold, CTL + U changed the text to underlined and CTL + I changed the text to Italic.
  3. - If it is not selected again select the text “format painter” and then on the Home Tab click on Format painter. How has the cursor changed? It has now changed to a Insertion bar with a paint brush beside it.
  4. - Drag over the text “font”. What happened? The text font is now Bold, underlined and Italic, i.e. the same as the words “format painter”
  5. - Use what you have learn to do the same thing to other text but this time double click on “Format Painter”. This will allow you to copy the formatting to multiple pieces of text. You click on “Format Painter” again to switch the function off.

Footnotes and End Notes

Footnotes are numbers that appear in text that are repeated at the bottom of the page with some referring text. They are often used to refer the reader to where the author obtained the information from. Also often to attribute to the originator of the work. An End Note is the same thing except that the reference is at the end of the document

If the material is never going to be printed, because it is displayed on a web page, it is now common to hyperlink to the original source of the material, which is often on the internet.

Video on how to do it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKrhTMHsIi0


  1. - Create a new document and copy the above text into it.
  2. - Place the cursor at the end of the first word
  3. - Click on the “references Tab” and then click on “Insert Footnote”. What happened? You are now positioned at the bottom of the page to the right of the Number one.
  4. - Type in “This is the first footnote”. Scroll back to the beginning of the document
  5. - Use what you have learnt to enter other footnotes, and footnotes between existing footnotes. Also try End Notes

Numbering Pages

Paragraph Numbering

Track changes

Video on how to do it: http://video.about.com/wordprocessing/Word-Tutorial--How-to-Use-Track-Changes.htm

Review, Track Changes (Final Show Markup or Show Final)(Accept Changes)

Compare documents

Search and replace and global search and replace

Video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugVdENN7SpE

Home, Find, and or Replace. Key in what looking for (search criteria). If only finding it will show every instance of what you are looking for and what paragraph it is in. If Replace, you can enter the text you wish the Find text to be Replaced with, in the Replace With box. Options are Find Next or Replace All, to replace them one at a time or ALL instances in the document. Be very careful with the Replace All, option.

Automatic correct

Video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muZWYSgUkvg

File, Options, Proofing, Auto Correct

Headers and footers

Video on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2ApMHkADxs

Insert, Header (or Footer), Select or Edit, Key in text

Table of contents

Table of authorities


Hyperlinks in Word is much the same as hyperlinks in web pages. That is when you click on the hyperlink (actually you hold the CTL key and click when withing a Word document) you are taken to the web page that that links refers to. It is also possible to link to another part of your document or another document with hyperlinks in Word. Word documents can be saved as Web pages that can be uploaded to a web server so mad part of the World Wide Web.

If you are working on a large document or many documents that you do not intend to end up on the internet it is still worthwhile using hyperlinks because it makes it easier to move around within the document and so edit it. It also makes it much easier for anyone reading the document on a computer. This does not apply if the document is read on paper.

Video showing how to do it:


Insert, Hyperlink, click on Existing Files or Web Page then Browse what you want to Hyperlink to

If you want to hyperlink to a location in the same document you have to create a bookmark first, in that location. To do this select where you want the book mark to be, Insert, Bookmark, Give it a name (can not have spaces in a bookmark name), ok) Select the text that you are hyper-linking from, then Insert, Hyperlink “Place in this document” select the book mark you have just put in.


  1. - Create a new document and copy the above text into it.
  2. - From this web page select all the text in the address bar and copy it.
  3. - In the Word Document from the “Insert Tab” click on Hyperlink. What happened? A new window opened
  4. - In the “Text to Display” box type “Word Beyond the Basics”. Right click on the “Address” box and select “Paste” The web address you previously copied should have been pasted into to “Address” box. Click on ok. What happened? The text “Word beyond the Basics” is displayed in Blue and underlined indicating that it it a hyperlink.
  5. - Place the cursor over the hyperlink. What happened? A message showing the link and that you have to CTRL + click on the link is displayed
  6. - Whilst holding down the CTRL key click on the Hyperlink. What happened? It should have displayed this web page, but it appears that Word has a bug such that it does not recognize sub domain web pages, that is web pages that do not start with WWW.

Inserting pictures and other objects

word_beyond_the_basics.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/21 11:55 (external edit)