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Broadband For Seniors Networker Role Addressing of Selection Criteria

Geoff Greig: Expressions of Interest addressing the selection Criteria

I have a background in Management, Accounting, Computing, Programing, Training, Sales, Business and Community.

Selection criteria

Enthusiasm for the Internet and its potential to improve the lives of senior Australians

I am extreamly enthusiastic about the internet. I use it extensively almost every day of my life. I have been using the internet since about 1991 and was an earlier user of the the forerunner to the internet, Bulletin boards from about 1983. I first used computers in 1967.

Here is a recent photo of me with the only complete intact first generation computer that still exists. The first computer I used was this computers grandchild

I am not only enthusiastic about the internet's potential to improve the lives of senior Australians but also have and continue to, actively use the internet to:

  • Train seniors on of the use of computers, the internet and email for LACOTA (Logan Area Committee on the Aging) and have done so since 2005
  • Train seniors via BFS Kiosks
  • Run Professional Development Webinars for Adult Learning Australia (ALA). eg's:

Understanding of adult learning principles and experience providing professional development or learning programs for adults

I have a certificate from Hawthorn Institute of Technology in “Basic Course of teacher Training for Part-Time TAFE Teachers (Similar to train the trainer). I update my own development in this respect by reading more recent material on Adult Learning principles and online University courses. Eg:

  • In the last two and a half years I have run Professional development webinars for ALA
  • From 1986 to 1992 I taught Adults at a number of TAFE colleges. During that time I also provide professional development to TAFE teachers
  • Between 1988 and 1992 I did industry contract training for many organistations such as Caterpillar Australia, Andrew Antennas and The Victorian Ministry of Housing
  • From 1981 to 1985 whilst owner of a small PC company I ran specialized computer training courses.

Experience building teams, networks and communities of practice

Since 2005 I have been a volunteer technology trainer for the Logan Area Committee for the Aging (LACOTA)

During that time in addition to training seniors, I have actively helped build a community team of volunteer trainers and support staff via the process of sharing information and experiences with that team so that the members learn from each other, and have an opportunity to develop themselves personally and professionally.

I network with other BFS people via: face to face, Webinars, the BFS Google Group mail list and the BFS Wiki.

I have also worked for a number of other local community based organisations that were successful in obtaining a political outcome we desired

Experience working with a not for profit community based organisation and / or understanding of community development principles and practices

As previously indicated I have worked as a volunteer trainer for the not for profit organisation organisation LACOTA since 2005

I have also previously volunteered for a number of not for profit organisations to obtain political outcomes as well as volunteering on school committees

I also have an understanding of the principles of community development practices in term of Empowerment, Participation, Inclusion, Self determination and Partnership See here

Understanding of how to use technology to enrich the lives of senior Australians.

During my 10 years teaching technology to senior Australians, I have helped them to identify their needs to ensure the training is relevant and importantly I help them build their confidence in using technology.

Not only do I understand how to use technology to enrich the lives of senior Australians, as a senior myself I enrich my own life in this respect every day.

I know that many seniors are not as enthusiastic as me when it comes to technology. Because I come from a sales background I know of techniques that can be used to pass on my enthusiasm to senior Australians so that they can have their lives enriched by technology.

bfs_networker_role_sc.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/29 12:15 (external edit)