
Videos for Training

How to find, make and use videos for training.

This page is to be used for the Webinar presented on this subject. A recording of can be found here:

Answers to questions asked in Webinar Chat session

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words then a Video with voice must be worth a million words

What we will be covering

  • Introduction
  • Using Videos in training

When and Why, How

  • How to find good Training videos
  • Selecting a video at the appropriate level
  • What is a good video?
  • Saving Links to Videos
  • Using internet Videos without the internet
  • Making a video
  • Making Videos Offline
  • Screen Capture Programs
  • Use a video Editor
  • Some Disadvantages of Making videos Offline
  • Making Videos Online
  • Advantages of Making Videos Online (Google Hangout on Air)
  • Disadvantages of Making Videos Online


This Webinar is being recorded

as have all the ones that have been run for the last 3 years.

You can view this one and all the previous ones from the Adult Learning Australia (ALA) web site here:

Also all the links used in this Webinar are on this Web page:

Show both web pages

How do you LIKE to Learn to use computers?

  1. By reading about it
  2. By trial and error
  3. By being told what to do
  4. By watching how it is done
  5. By repeating it many times
  6. By actively interacting with a tutor
  7. By practising with real-life situations
  8. By step by step in small increments based on my existing knowledge
  9. All the above
  10. Some other method(s)

Not many via reading

NOTE: How you like to learn may not be how your students wish to learn. Everyone has different likes and dislikes

Senior people tell me the biggest problem they have in learning to use a computer is remembering


Could Forget X% in 24 Hours Pg 7.

Student write own notes - Problem with that?

Tutor produce written notes - Problems with that?

Problem. A severe barrier to learning is that 65% of Seniors (65-70 years old) only have a level 1 to 2 reading ability (out of 5) Australian Bureau of Statistics - Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Australia, 2011-2012

At same time learning new technology.

How to overcome these difficulties?

One on one training, repeat many times, have an assistant with you always, diagrams, Pictures,

How about videos?

Introduction Summary

  • Reading is not a prefered way to learn how to use computers
  • Problem of Remembering
  • 65% of Seniors have difficulty reading
  • Videos can overcome these problems

Using Videos in training

When and Why

When? When the tutor is not their. ie student is at home and can not remember how to do something.

ie as a replacement for written material. Why? Because students have trouble reading, Students prefer watching than reading, Students can play the video as many times as they like, stop, start it at any point and do so at any time and possible at any place (on laptops, pads and phones)

When cont? Why use a video when you can show the same function?

Why? Because you may not be able to explain it as well as the video

Why? Because having it explained a different way may help the student understand.

Why? Giving the student the ability to see the video outside the class could boost their confidence.

You Can use a Video when can not show function e.g's How email works. or What is the Internet - or A spoof on what it is from the TV series the IT Crowd


There are many videos on the internet and each has their own way of use. The most common is You Tube (owned by Google)

Using this Example:

Basis functions:

  • Play
  • Pause
  • Mute
  • Volume Control
  • Current position and Total Length
  • Watch Later
  • Settings (Quality)
  • Larger Player
  • Full Screen (returning from full screen)
  • What the difference between the red and grey bar means
  • Going to any position
  • Seeing what is at a position

Demonstration: All the above functions

Exercise: Play it, Pause it, Mute the sound, Unmute the sound, Change the volume level, Change to a lower resolution, Change to full screen and back to small screen, Move to 3/4 through the video, Find what is nearly at the end of the video without playing it?

Some Web sites can have a You Tube link embedded in the page, Should have a You Tube Button that take you to You Tube so you can get to use all of these functions.

When on the You Tube site and in NON Larger or Full screen modes you see information about the video:

  1. The name of the Video
  2. The You Tube Channel Icon
  3. The You Tube Channel Name (Click to go to the channel)
  4. A button to subscribe to that You Tube Channel
  5. How many videos are on that Channel (click to see them all)
  6. How many people are subscribed to the channel
  7. Total Number of views of the video (not necessarily played)
  8. How Many people liked it
  9. How Many people did not like it

Demonstrate: all the above

Exercise: Each person put the number of each (1-19) and their initials againsts each item (eg 1GG)

Below this might appear the following Tabs:

  1. About:When it was published and comment people have written about it
  2. Share: Multiple ways of sharing the video with others. When on the Share this Video lower tab you can set the link so that it starts at a particular point in the video
  3. Add To: If you are logged into You Tube with your Google Account this allow you add this video to you play list
  4. Transcript Icon: (Is not on all Videos) Shows a transcript of the Video with the time when it was said. It can be used to find a part of the video
  5. Statistics Icon: Shows quite a lot of statistics about how much the video has been watched
  6. Report Icon: Shows comments people have made about the Video

Demonstrate: all the above, as well as how to copy the transcript to a text editor and search for text

Exercise: At what point in the video are “new tabs” described? Go to that point in the video

See this video on How YouTube Works:

How to find good Training videos

Why reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of good computer training videos on the internet. The hard part is finding ones set at the appropriate level for seniors.

How? Of course with a Google search with the search text being the subject of the training.

But try adding words like “training”, “how to” “tutorial” or the like.

If you do a general search you will get all web pages that may include some videos

After you get the results of your Google Search you can limit the search to only videos by clicking on the word “Videos” at the top of the page or you may have to click on “More” then “Videos”.

If on YouTube click on the Channel name to see other videos by the same Organisation or Author

Demonstration: Find a video on how to use the keyboard

Exercise: Find a video that shows the keyboard key repeat function

Selecting a video at the appropriate level

  1. Read the Title and text
  2. If it has it, scan through the transcript.
  3. Watch video but open it in a new tab so you can compare it with other similar videos
  4. If on YouTube click on the Channel name to find out more about the Organisation or Author that created it, perhaps also by going to there Web site

This is an example of a video that you would NOT show complete beginners

Windows History (Windows 1.0 - Windows 8)

What is a good video?


Video checklist

Ideally this should be done on a web Site. Or in Favorites or Bookmarks in the Kiosk computers browser. But if you don't have a Web Site you can put a link in an email that you send to students or to yourself in the BFS kiosk. Or you can save links in a Word document. But it will not be much good if it is printed. You can NOT link from a piece of paper.

Show: My web site of links to videos Demonstrate How to put links to a video in a email, how to put links in a document

Exercise:Find a video on how to scroll, Put the link to the video in a email with the link text being “how to scroll”

Using internet Videos without the internet

For students that do not have the internet or have a limited download quota

If you can play a internet video you can capture it. Eg for You Tube Videos, Tube Enhancer Note: Only works with Firefox, not Crome or IE

There are web sites that will allow you to capture YouTube videos eg: and

Show a demo

These saved files can then be put on a DVD or preferable a Memory Stick and given to students.

NOTE: If you use VLC Media player ( to play videos you can change the playback speed by pressing the + or - keys to pay it faster or slower. VLC maintains the sound at some of the faster and slower speeds and with a bit of practise you can lean from videos a 2 times speed so twice as fast.

Making a video

NOTE: We are making one now because this session is being recorded.

Why make one?: Because you could not find one that is suitable. Because it may be quicker than looking for one

As it could take many training sessions to show how to make a Video I will only be just giving a general overview

There are many ways of making a video but I will classify them into offline and online (not using the internet and using the internet)

Making Videos Offline

Screen Capture Programs

You don't even need a camera. What happens on your computer screen is recorded by a program on your computer. It may or may not be accompanied with voice. Eg

There are many others that have varying functionality.

Use a video Editor

These allow you to take pictures, sound, video clips, Text, captions, credits and the like and put them together any way you wish using multiple tracks and lots of effects.

Eg's Windows Movie Maker (comes with windows) Video pad Video Editor

Some Disadvantages of Making videos Offline

  • Can be very time consuming to develop and edit, eg. I spent 2 weeks making a 20 Minute video on Introduction of Technology for Seniors. ie
  • Rendering, producing the video file, can take a long time eg over 3 hours for 20 Minutes of High Definition.
  • If you want to upload it to the internet is can take a long time. eg over 3 hours for a 20 Minute HD Video

Making Videos Online

This can be done with Webinar type software, like this current session (blackboard collaborate) or Google Hangout on Air

What is google hangout on Air?

It allows up to 10 people to talk together as well as seeing one another and an unlimited number of other people to see and hear what it going on. The session is recorded and can be watched by anyone during the live session and at anytime afterwards on You Tube. Any of the 10 people can show what is on there screen to everyone and any of the 10 people, with the other persons permission, can control that other persons computer. A video can be up to 4 hours and you can make as many videos as you like and it is completely FREE, but does require a Google account.

Demonstrate it

Advantages of Making Videos Online (Google Hangout on Air)

  • Can be very fast to do, faster than producing written notes
  • It is online almost as soon as it is finished
  • Multiple people can be included (9 plus the instructor)
  • Because you can shows others screens you can teach software not installed on your computer
  • You can see and record real life mistakes that students make
  • It can be used to record classroom sessions that students can watch at home after the session
  • Those participating can be anywhere in the world

Disadvantages of Making Videos Online

  • They can not have as many fancy features as when using video editing software
  • Some software eg Blackboard collaborate can not be edited online
  • On long videos editing can be slow
  • Mistakes can not be re-recorded
  • You can not pause the recording
  • If using Google Hangout On Air it CANNOT be made private (anyone on the internet can see it when recording, but it can later be made private)
  • Can be difficult to zoom in small parts of the screen (but CTL + and - can be used)
  • Basically the same disadvantages as Live V's recorded TV
videos_for_training.txt · Last modified: 2014/02/01 13:09 (external edit)