Using Multiple Apps at the one time on Phones
This course is designed to show you how to use multiple apps at the one time on a phone.
Why would you want to?
A simple example. You having a conversation with somebody on your mobile phone. They ask you for some information like the telephone number of a friend or whatever. You have that information in your phone. But how to get it without hanging up and calling them back
Another example. You're reading something on a webpage , And you want something that's written on that web page to be include it in an email that you are writing, or you want to put a link to that web page in an email
And yet another. You're doing something on your phone and you want to do something else on your phone but do not want to lose the place you where at in your original function
What the course will cover
How To:
explain what an app is
explain the difference between and app and a widget
return to the home screen
stop using an app
see a list of recently used apps
scroll through a list of recently used apps
remove an item from the recently used apps screen
explain why you do not need to close any apps and the implications of that
start an app without returning to the home screen
jump to the last used app without returning to the home screen, with only two touches
return to an app that was started a few apps ago.
precisely position on text in an app
select text in an app.
unselect text
select all text
copy text
cut text
paste text
undo mistakes
explain what can and cannot be copied and why
(For those phones that support it) have two apps open on the screen at the one time