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See also: Beginners Course Training Notes. Beginners Course Exercises

BASIC 1 (Mouse, Scroll Bars, Keyboard, Intro to Desktop screen, Open and use simple programs (Common Tools : cut, copy, paste, move, navigate around text file, create file)

DESIGNED FOR : For those with little or no experience with computers. No minimum criteria.

OUTCOMES : It is intended that at the end of the course participants will : Be able to use a mouse and computer keyboard and to navigate around a desk top screen Understand the simple cycle of using a computer : i.e. opening a program, inputting data, saving as a data file to filing system and going back and opening a saved file. Identify and simply utilise the various elements of a desktop screen Know the location of all programs on their computer, how to find their way to those programs and how to open a program Use the common tools which are used across all Windows programs Save a file to their filing system (Windows Explorer) (If time) Understand the concept of Windows Explorer


Session 1 : Ergonomics, Mouse, Scroll Bars

  1. - Overview of computers, what is a program, difference between an operating system and other programs, why we might use a computer, difference between on- and off-line
  2. - Ergonomics - to reduce physical strain on body and eyes
  3. - Mouse - Point, Click, Drag, scroll wheel (both hands on and hands-off).
  4. - Scrolling - different ways to work through your screen (vertical & horizontal scross bars
  5. - Review and Exercises (all exercises include opening and working in programs under direction)

Session 2 : Overview of Computers, Keyboard, Task Bar

  1. - Switching on and off a computer - different ways, Screen saver/mouse interaction
  2. - Meaning of computer hardware & software, overview of the basic parts and what they are used for on a desktop computer, differences between desktop and notebook computers
  3. - Overview of computer cycle and Input, Processing, Storage and Output (including permanent and temporary memory)
  4. - Select, cut, copy, paste, move
  5. - Keyboard explanation
  6. - Screen - Task Bar (overview)
  7. - Review and exercises (all exercises include opening and working in programs under direction)

Review Exercises

Session 3 : The Desktop and its Icons, Desktop Screen - other elements, Progams, Windows, Start

  1. - Overview of touch typing - benefits, how to find out ways
  2. - Desktop - What it is, why it is, the Icons & how to manipulate and multiple selection
  3. - Screen - What is a System Tray, Quick Launch Bar, review Task Bar
  4. - Opening programs
  5. - Windows programs- Minimise, Restore Down, Maximise, Close
  6. - Menu Bar - File, Edit, View, setc.
  7. - Start Button - Start Menu - Recently Opening Programs, Windows Explorer options
  8. - (If time) Introduction to Windows Explorer and permanent and temporary memory
  9. - Review of above and Desktop Exercises and create a data file in 'Paint' and 'WordPad', save and open (including simple cut, copy, paste and fonts within the program)

Session 4 : Combining and Utilising all 3 Sessions learning

  1. - Open programs, cut, copy, paste, move around the document, change fonts, switch between programs, minimise, restore down, maximise, save and re-open.
  2. - Review each element of the windows desktop screen
  3. - More on Start Button and Start Menu to: Navigate through menus, Access My Computer, My Documents, Help and Support, Control Panel (simple settings)
  4. - Explanation of Change Users, Hibernate, Standby and turn off your computer.
  5. - Overview of viruses, security, scams

Basic 2

lacota_beginers_by_marg.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/02 09:14 (external edit)