

Whilst writing Do we need Politicians in a Democracy I found it necessary to contact Logan City Council (LCC) to obtain certain costs. This is about how I progressed.

What I found without contacting LCC

According to The logan Mayor can earn up to $181,540, while its councillors get a maximum of $111,790. For the 12 councillors plus the Mayor that totals to $1,523,020.

The financial part of the Logan Annual report for 2010-11,, shows total Council employee costs at $89,428,000 of which Councillors’ remuneration is $1,437,000, On costs work out to 44% of wages so that adds another $664,000 to costs of Councillors

The same document showed Logan's Population as 288,000 but it did not show how may rate payers are there are“

Queensland Electrical Commission

According to the Queensland Electrical Commission annual report,, It costs $5.77 per elector to run the 2009 state elections and $1.42 per person for public information and awareness campaigns. However I am not sure if that is just the election costs independent of the cost of running the Queensland Electrical Commission itself as the total costs on page 14 divided by the number of electors does not work out the the given cost per elector. Additionally the actual cost for 2010/11 are $13.103 million yet are estimated to be $86.662 million in 2011/12. That is over six fold increase.

Email from Queensland Electrical Commission

Read all the way to the bottom

Hi Mr Greig,

Thanks for your reply to my original email.

The estimated per elector cost of State general election in 2011/12 of $5.77 is calculated by the State election budget of $16.386 million for 2011-12 applied to an estimated enrolment of 2.84 million electors for the period.

The $13.341 million was the cost of operating all the activities of the Electoral Commission of Queensland during the 2010-11 financial year. For the 2011-12 financial year it was estimated at $86.662 million to conduct all activities of the Commission during the year, including conducting the State and Local Government elections. The activities of the Electoral Commission are cyclical in nature and vary from year to year, as does the subsequent funding to undertake those activities.

I hope this explanation answers your enquiry.

Kind regards

Shane Maher A/Assistant Director Business Services

Electoral Commission of Queensland Level 6 | Forestry House | 160 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 T: 07 3035 8025 | M: 0409 877 493 | F: 07 3225 2601 E: | W:

From: Geoff Greig [] Sent: Thursday, 17 May 2012 1:41 PM To: Shane Maher Subject: Re: FW: Return Call


Thanks for that information but it seems my request got a bit distorted as it is passed through numerous people.

I want to know how the $5.77 Per elector cost of State general election was calculated, as the total cost, 2010/11 actual, at the bottom of page 14 of $13,341,000 divided by the 2,746,223 actual 2010/11 Elector client base also on page 14 gives $4.86.

Also is that total cost figure of $13,341,000 just the cost of running the 2010/11 state election or is it the total cost of running the Electoral Commission of Queensland?

Otherwise what is the total cost of running the Electoral Commission of Queensland?

Thanks Geoff Greig Brisbane Australia

On 17/05/2012 1:19 PM, Shane Maher wrote:

Hi Mr Greig,

I refer to your phone call with David Gottke of the Funding & Disclosure Unit and your question from the 2011-12 Annual Report on page 14.

The Director Business Services has asked me to respond to your request and the answer to your inquiry is as follows: -

The figure of $1.42 in the Annual Report is the per elector cost of public information and awareness campaign. This was calculated on the basis of a projected budget of $3.976 million for 2011-12 applied to an estimated enrolment of 2.8 million electors for the period.

I hope this explanation answers your enquiry.

Kind regards

Shane Maher A/Assistant Director Business Services

Electoral Commission of Queensland Level 6 | Forestry House | 160 Mary Street | Brisbane QLD 4000 T: 07 3035 8025 | M: 0409 877 493 | F: 07 3225 2601 E: | W:

What I asked LCC

What did not know was: how many council staff that directly support councillors and at what cost. What advertising promotes councillors and how much does it cost. What security is provided for councillors at what cost and what consulting and reports are requested by councillors at what cost

So I sent the following email to LCC on 14/5/2012 at 3:36 PM

Council Person,

As a Logan ratepayer can you please provide me with the following information that I was not able to obtain from the LCC web site or the LCC Annual report.

For the 2010/11 financial year:

  1. -The average number of ratepayers or the number of ratepayers as at 30/6/11
  2. -The number of Secretarial support staff that support councillors and the Mayor
  3. -The total wages/ Salaries and on-costs for the Secretarial support staff that support councillors and the Mayor
  4. -The number of Non Secretarial support staff that support councillors and the Mayor
  5. -The total wages/ Salaries and on-costs for the Non Secretarial support staff that support councillors and the Mayor
  6. -Of the $1,534,000 for Advertising and promotions on page 106 of the LCC Annual report how much of it did not directly or indirectly involve councillors and the Mayor
  7. -How much was spent on external consultants or external reporting initiated by councillors and the Mayor
  8. -For all councillors and the Mayor how much was spent on Professional development, Travel, Accommodation, Travel bookings, Travel transfer costs, Meals, office space, meeting rooms, computers, stationery, photocopying, printing, faxes, publications, telephone, internet access and home office equipment ?


Geoff Greig

The reply I got

As of 18/5/12 11:12 AM I have not got a reply

As of 24/5/12 10:15 AM I have still not got a reply

I my have to send a follow up email

attempting_to_get_how_much_is_cost_to_have_local_politicians.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/19 13:34 (external edit)