I have just had the great privilege of driving in traffic for the last few hours.
I rarely drive in traffic, because I ride a ebike most of the time, over the last few years
I have lived in Forestdale for the last 28 years and have noticed the traffic dramatically increased in that time.
My observations are that it is not just the volume of vehicles, that is creating traffic congestion but also the design of and laws of the road system.
One simple example, is today there were three sets of roadworks none of which were on the road I was traveling in. Yet the speed limit was reduced to 40 kilometres an hour in each case. All were in side roads. Travelling to and returning from my distination meant that I went through those roadworks six times.
Another example was where the speed limit changed three times in less than 100 meters. Every time there is a start and stop or speed up our slow down of vehicles causes traffic congestion.
Yet a third example is the reduction of the speed limit on Johnston Rd from 70 to 60 KPH. That 10 KPH reduction is a 14% reduction from what it previously was meaning that a peak traffic times ther is reduction of 14% in that roads capacity
In my 28 years of living in Forestdale, I've noticed, in the surrounding area, that traffic lights seem to appear faster than trees grow. With the appearance of each new set of traffic lights, the cycles are coming worse. More time when NO cars are moving through the intersection at all.
Coupled with that, is the tendency for the road design people, I would call them traffic engineers but engineers are about efficiency and I don't think they deserve that title, to increase the number of lanes on the exit side of traffic lights so that it creates a merging issue.
At crossroads with traffic lights I don't think there are any left that don't have red and green arrows. Meaning often that there are four cycles rather than the old method of two. Taking into account the overlap between cycles it means that you have less than a 20% chance of ever catching a green light.
I have yet to see any study that shows the safety or efficiency benefit of traffic lights.
There are many studies that show that roundabouts produce less traffic congestion and are safer than traffic lights. Considering this why do we have more traffic lights than roundabouts?
Because traffic signals are generally cheaper to install and take up less space. Its basically about upfront money. Traffic congestion, safety and ther longer term cost appear to be less relevant. As does ongoing and future replacement costs. It is good for the economy to have traffic congestion. But not necessarily good for society as a whole.
This US information document emplaind the benefits of roundabouts compared to traffic lights. Apparently in the US they don't have many roundabouts and people were reluctant to change to them, until they experienced the benefits.
Without actually changing an existing intersection that has traffic lights to a roundabout, we will never no if it is worthwhile doing so.
The argument that could be put against it, is the cost. However with the modern roadworks safety items like plastic barriers part filled with water that could be used to make a temporary circle, it could be possible to quickly and safely covert a signilized intersection to a temporary roundabout at very little cost. The traffic lights would be covered up, with the not in use signs that are used when lights are first installed. Some temporary signage would need to be put in place as well as the changed traffic conditions, signs.
The trial could last for a few months and then the intersection revert back to as it was. Social media could be used to assess the communities reaction to the trial. Why should it not be trialed?
The state government is about to trial $0.50 public transport. I don't know how much that is going to cost but in sure the trial I suggested would cost nowhere near that.
I see in the My City Logan of July 16 2024, newspaper that Logan has the worst public transport in Australia. Considering that within Forestdale ther is NO public transport then Forestdale may have the worst public transport in the worst council area in Australia.
In addition to than getting the public transport system fixed in Forestdale, why not also test a possible fix of traffic congestion around Forestdale?
Which intersection should such a trial be performed on?
I would be interested in noing what others think?