

Below is a log of some of the issues I have with Telstra since September 2012. Parts have been edited out, shown as asterisks or left blank, to maintain my privacy

Because some of these conversations where online chats and others where recorded as the conversations took place or soon afterwards the spelling, grammar and formatting is very bad, but is sufficient to show the serious problems in dealing with Telstra as a domestic customer

The table of contents on the right links to each section below and shows how in less that 6 month how many problems I have had in dealing with Telstra. Im not talking about the technical issues but rather how often Telstra makes mistakes, does not do what they promise to do and not keep me informed after failing to do what they promise to do.

About Early Sept 2012 Bill change back to 1/4ly

Status: Connected Maria Fe Eliza

Hi there, how may I help you?

A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. Maria Fe Eliza

Hi Geoff, I see that this is about your bill. Geoff


I applied to get ADSL broadband but Telstra could not supply it, but as a consequence by billing was changed fro 1/4ly to monthly. I would like it changes back to 1/4ly Maria Fe Eliza

No worries, let me check that for you. Maria Fe Eliza

Can I have your Account Number and Date of Birth please? Geoff

A/c N o DOB / / Maria Fe Eliza

Thank you. This might take a minute or two, would that be ok? Geoff


While im at it can you also record that I would much prefer to communicate via email rather than live chat. The email contact has been removed from you web site and replaced with Live chat Facebook and Twitter. I would like email put back Maria Fe Eliza

No worries, I'll have this updated for you. Geoff

Thank you Maria Fe Eliza

No problem:)

30/9/12 3:02 PM Second request to have bill changed to 1/4ly


Status: Connected MARIANNE

Hi there, how may I help you?

A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. MARIANNE

Hi, Good Afternoon Geoff. I see that you have an enquiry about quarterly billing. Geoff


I asked last month that my phone account be changed from 1/4 ly to monthly. I Have now again got a monthly bill


We apologise for the inconvenience. MARIANNE

May I have the following details, please?

? Date of Birth ? Telstra account number and phone number Geoff

A/c No DOB / / Geoff


Great, thanks! Please bear with me while I check your account. MARIANNE

I can definitely have it changed for you. MARIANNE

I have set it up to Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec quarterly billing. Geoff

Ok but that was what I was told last time by Maria Fe Eliza and it did not happen. MARIANNE

Yeah, I understand that you are frustrated about what happened. I can have my colleague coached about this. MARIANNE

Here's a reference number for the update: INT 1-105846067533. Geoff

OK I will keep a record of this conversation



It's been my pleasure assisting you today. Is there anything else I can help you with? Geoff

No that is all Thanks MARIANNE

Thanks for chatting with me today, Geoff. MARIANNE

I'm happy that I was able to assist you and look forward to chatting with you again in the future. MARIANNE

Have a lovely day! You take care.

10/10/12 Checking if getting ADSL and the price of it

Status: Connected Jerome Jr.

Hi there, how may I help you?

A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. Jerome Jr.

Hi! My name is Jerome. I can see that you are enquiring about your adsl connection. How can I assist you today? Geoff

Can you tell me if the application I made O/N 1-106442819651 has been successful? Jerome Jr.

I see. Can you please provide your account number or service number and date of birth so I can look into your account. Geoff

I tried going to the track my order page and it states that it is currently not available and I should try later on Geoff

My Account No on my existing bill is My DOB is / / Jerome Jr.

Thanks. Jerome Jr.

This is an order for? Geoff

Broadband connection Jerome Jr.

A new service for and adsl Jerome Jr.

And you have an existing telephone line Geoff

Yes and Yes Geoff

Another Questions I have is that I got a letter today saying I had signed up for then 50 GB plan for $79.95. I actually signed up for the 50 GB $49.95. How come the difference Jerome Jr.

We'll check on that later. Jerome Jr.

Please bear with me. Still looking into your account. Geoff

ok Jerome Jr.

I've checked the status of the order and it says here that it's been cancelled. Geoff

I did not cancel it Jerome Jr.

Still checking on it. Jerome Jr.

For a bit please. Geoff

I applied also a month or so ago, you are not getting confused with that one are you? The latest order No I was given was 1-106442819651 Jerome Jr.

I'm checking on interaction 06/10/2012 Geoff

ok Jerome Jr.

Is it okay if we invite one of my colleague from our Sales Team in this chat session so that we can check on the status of the order? Geoff

yes Jerome Jr.

I will be disconnected in the process so please stay on the chat session. One from Sales Team will be taking over. Jerome Jr.

Here we go.

Jerome Jr. has disconnected. Geoff

As Jerome Jr has disconnected who am I connected to now?

SUMIT has joined. SUMIT

Hi there, welcome to live chat. You are chatting with Sumit . How can I help you today with your adsl enquiry? Geoff

Can youread all the conversation I had with Jerome? SUMIT

I?ll look into this for you and do everything I can for you today. SUMIT

adsl will be active on 12/10/2012 SUMIT

your username will be Geoff

Ok did you see the other question I asked Jerome re the monthly charge? SUMIT

yeah, you will get $30 discount for having homeline with us, so $49.95 for 50 gb Geoff

I do have my home line with you. So why does the letter I recieved today say I chose the 50 GB $79.95 plan? SUMIT

that is ageneral welcome letter. different customers have different discounts applied. in your case it will be $30 discount each month Geoff

Can you confirm that for me? SUMIT

how do you want me to confirm it Geoff? SUMIT

i have written it for you. SUMIT

u can save this chat for reference also Geoff

Just write I confirm that SUMIT

I confirm that SUMIT

taht your monthly bill for 50 gb adsl for 24 month will be $49.95 with a full service telephone line on same bill Geoff

Thanks. I will see on the 12th if the ADSL is switched on SUMIT

Is there anything else I can help you with today? Geoff

No. Thanks for your help


May i ask, if you feel I have resolved your enquiry today ?

or do you have anymore questions for me before you leave this chat conversation? Type your message…

concluded 5:08 pm 10/10/12

29/10/12 Overcharge for ADSL Why charged in advance for ADSL

Concluded at 14:44 am

29/10/12 Status: Connected Ferlyn

Hi there, how may I help you?

A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. Geoff

Ferlyn, Geoff

Ferlyn, Geoff

Ferlyn, Ferlyn

Hi Geoff. Geoff

How do I type on the next line? Ferlyn

I understand that you are enquiring about your bill. Geoff

My details. Billing period 25 September - 24 October Bill Issued 29 October 2012 Account number

Bill number DOB / / Ferlyn

Thank you. Ferlyn

Let me pull up your account. Geoff

I am supposed to be being charged $49.95 a month for internet yet im being charged $79.95 and getting a $10 discount so 69.95. Why? Ferlyn

Bringing up the details now. Ferlyn

I will investigate this for you. Geoff

Also where in the Telstra Terms and Conditions does it say I will be charged a month in advance? Ferlyn

I understand. Ferlyn

Please bear with me. It's just my system is working so slow. Ferlyn

I have now your bill. Geoff

Lastly when did 13 numbers change from being $.30 each to $0.35 each and why are some $0.35 and others free. Ferlyn

I'll check that for you. Ferlyn

Let me discuss first the ADSL. Would that be okay? Geoff

ok Ferlyn

You are currently on 50GB plan. Upon further investigation, you are eligible for $30 discount each month since you have home phone, you ADSL is in 24 month contract and both services are on single bill. Geoff

Then why am I only getting a $10 discount? ie my original question Ferlyn

What I'm going to do is I will apply the remaining credit on your account. Just bear with me. Geoff

ok Ferlyn

It's just the previous consultant failed to add the $20 discount. Geoff

I would have thought that it would not have to be manually added that because of the type of account I have that it would be automatic. Are you saying it is all done manually? Ferlyn

I understand. Yes the discounts needs to be inserted manually on our system in order to reflect the credit on your bill. Ferlyn

But on your future bills, you don't have to contact us to request for the credit. I have applied the remaining $20 discount on your account. Geoff

What about the proportional discount for the first part month? Geoff

So what has the bill been adjusted to? Ferlyn

And for your current bill, I will also apply the credit. There's nothing to worry about. Ferlyn

I will apply one month advance credit and pro rated credit on your account. The total credit that I'm going to apply is $28.66. Geoff

So it is ok if I pay the bill less the $28.66? Ferlyn

Yes. However, I would like to set an expectation that on your next bill you will $28.66 as an overdue balance but on the Accounts Charges and Credit section of your bill, same amount will show as credit. Ferlyn

I am now applying the credit. Geoff

That ok providing I dont get a nasty letter saying I have not paid part of the bill. Can you assure me that will not happen? Ferlyn

Yes, no letter will be sent to you. Geoff

ok Geoff

Now about the 13 number charges? Ferlyn

I'll just apply the credit then we'll move on to your home phone. Geoff

ok Ferlyn

Thanks. Ferlyn

I have applied the credit. I am now looking on the 13 number charge. Geoff

ok Ferlyn

You are currently on HomeLine Budget. 13 number call will be charged for 35c per call. Ferlyn

Please be advised that no changes for 13 number call charge. Geoff

The first 13 no on my latest bill dated 25 Sep was $0.30 and some on the other dated in October where $0.35 and other again where $0.00. Why? Geoff

that is the first 13 number on the bill was on the 25 Sept Ferlyn

Yes I can also see that here. Actually I am now coordinating with our billing specialist. Geoff

While your billing specialist is doing that can you tell me where in the Telstra Terms and Conditions it sais I will be billed a month in advance for internet charges? Ferlyn

Sure. Ferlyn

Please open this link: Geoff

doing so Ferlyn

At the bottom part, on the billing category one month advance fee is mention. Ferlyn

Great. Ferlyn

Regarding the 13 number call, I apologise my bad, the call charge was recently change. It was effective on 01/10. From 30c to 35c. Geoff

That document is not the Terms and Conditions. It sais: Geoff

This is a summary only ? the full legal terms for this bundle are available at Geoff

Can you please tell me where in the terms and conditions it mentions the month in advance? Ferlyn

One moment please. However, please be advised that one month advance fee is part of standard billing of Telstra like other TeleCommunication company. Geoff

The page for home and family only refers to terms for Home Phone services, Telstra Mobile services, Telstra Rewards and Packages and Other services. It does not say Internet. Where are the internet terms and conditions? Ferlyn

Please give me a moment. Geoff

I have been with another Telecommunication company who did NOT charge a month in advance, so it is not STANDARD. That is why I am asking about it Geoff

I have found this “6.1 Our Customer Terms set out the charges you must pay us for your services. Sometimes you have to pay a particular charge in advance.” in this: Geoff Ferlyn

Yes. I am also on that page. Geoff

But is does not specifically say that internet is charged in advance. Can you show me where it sais that internet is charged in advance? Ferlyn

The first link that I gave you earlier is the Terms and Conditions for your plan. Ferlyn

And the one month advance fee mentioned on your My Offer Summary. Geoff

No the fist link specifically said “This is a summary only ? the full legal terms for this bundle are available at” and that does not specifically mention the internet Ferlyn

I understand. Geoff

Also it is not standard that you pay in advance as I have not paid in advance for the first part month. So Telstra have acquiesced ther position Geoff

So can you please also credit me the the month charged in advance? Ferlyn

The one month advance fee will only be credited if you upgrade or disconnect your plan. Geoff

Where does is say that in the Terms and Conditions? Ferlyn

Did you order this over the phone? Geoff

Again I am asking if you can not show me in the Terms and Conditions that I will be charged in advance for the internet charge, will you credit me for what you have charged me is advance? Ferlyn

I'm sorry but it is a valid charge. Geoff

No I do not think I ordered the internet over the phone. I think I did it online. What difference would that make anyway? Ferlyn

I see. Because normally the sales representative always advise the customer of the pro rata charges and one month advance fee. Geoff

It is not a valid charge if the terms and conditions do not specifically state it Ferlyn

If you would like I can endorse you to our Billing specialist who can further assist you. Geoff

Please do so Ferlyn

Please stay on the line. I'll contact them now. Ferlyn

Can I call you at 0738005333? Ferlyn

Thank you for chatting with me, Blair will now be able to help you, have a great day.

Ferlyn has disconnected.

Geoff has disconnected.

I did not disconnect. Someone rang me and put me on hold (with out ask me if they coud) and I go another call which a switched to and when I switched back they had hung up

Email form I sent to Telstra 25/10/12:Dates wrong on Web site

The Bigpond usage site yesterday showed “Current billing Period” as the date I started with Telstra, I think the 12 Oct to 25 Oct and at that time(yesterday) I had about 20 GB of data left. It also showed a prompt “Daily usage for billing period ending” with 25 Oct 2012.

I was very surprised and annoyed today to find that a new month had ensued so that I could not use the remaining 20 GB's.

I would suggest that any reasonable person would assume that a to data includes that date and should not expire until midnight on that date.

If you do not feel this is reasonable can you please explain why. If not, can you please add the 20 GB to my current months quota.

Can you also explain to me how I can see the daily usage of previous months. The “daily usage for bill period ending” drop down box does not show any period other than the current one.

I was forced to ring Telstra to ask for a email address to send this “Enqury” form as the Bigpond website under “Contacts us” only showed “usage” under the “Billing & Accounts” heading and on linking to “Contact Billing & Accounts”, ther was no email option.

After being forced to ring Telstra I was annoyed that I had to go through a voice response system when I had been given a specific phone number supposedly for Billing & Accounts.

I was instructed,via your call centre, to use this “Form” via the “Technical Support” heading.

All the above points would appear to me to easily fixed by simple changes to your web site and so make me a more happy customer. Are you going to make me a more happy customer by making there changes? If so when?

To make a bad situation worse after typing all this, filling in some more information I got a message “your session has expired”. Lucky I keep a offline copy as I type. Why should the session expire? Another thing you could fix on your Web site to make you customers more happy.

I also see that in the drop down box for “Operating System Type” you do not have Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Another attempt at moving to the next screen and I get another “Your session has expired”. This problem could be easily overcome by providing a email address.

I now get a message to say that the page will not redirect correctly and on refreshing the page I get a third “Your session has expired”. Im starting to wonder if this is a deliberate attempt to not have to deal with your customers.

Thanks Geoff Greig 0411 487 246 Brisbane Australia

Tedric. from Telstra in the Philipines rang me re the e/form

I sent to Telstra on 25/10/12

Date he rang me 15/11/12 Time 1:53 His Telstra Employee No D392857 38 Minutes on phone.

He said he will email me saying what he is going to do.

Spoke to Phonix 26/11/12 3:25

he sais give he exta 25 GB this month

ref n0 1-110472728940

Mikki 27/11/12

Order No 1-110930884312 said that for this mont I can can go over 50 GB without slowing ie unlimited 9:54 am

Jay 30/11/12 4:33 Why being slowed

She said it has been unshaped then checking why on my account it shown as being Slowed.

She said it was unshaped but because ther was an “Outage” it got shaped again

SHe said she has unshaped it again but because of the nature of the internet she can not garantee that it will not happen again before the end of the billing cycle.

She said it will be unshaped withing 10 Minutes

Finished conversation 4:40

At 4:51 it was unshaped and shows on the account as: Monthly Plan Allowance 50GB Current Account Usage 54.43GB Current Usage Allowance 50GB Account Usage Status In Allowance

20/1/13 11: 30 am Problem re dropouts

Spoke to cameal re problm with interne disconecting she said someone will contact me within 8 hours

21/1/2103 3:30 pm Re Drop Outs

peter d618783

said will change port by wensday as ther are no faualt showing on line changing port may fix the problem.

we will see

About 22/1/13 Teck

came out and found fault in plug in bedroom which he fixed. But he switched me to ADSL 1 because he said ther was less chance of drop outs on it and was just as fast as I was presently getting.

28/1/2013 and whilst waiting in queue 29/1/2013 to report a fault

Attempted numerious times to fill in fault form on line but it either timed out of kept going back to the begining.

29/1/2103 about 9:25 AM rang telstra from public phone

to say I have no phone line. Just a dead line not even scratching. I was told a service specialist will ring me within 8 hours. I was told that my land line number would be diverted to my non telstra mobile.

30/1/2013 9:49 am Investigating problem

Telstra person said they are investigating the problem and that I will not be charged for the time I have not had the use of the phone and the internet. Also if I had a telstra mobile it could be set to make calls at my home phone rates and charged to my home phone account.

30/1/2013 9:40 AM got SMS

A reminder from Telstra: Our commitment to repair 073800533 is by 30/01/2013 19:00

30/1/2013 approx 1 pm Not fixed till 2/2/13

got recorded message to say the phone will not be fixed until 2 feb 2013

30/1/2013 approx 4 pm went to Telstra shop

in Grand Plazza to see if I could get data put on my prepaid Mobile broadband account and make call from that accoount seeing as phone will be out untill 2/2/2013. They rang a number on ther phone. First person said had set up my prepaid broadband SIM account so I can make calls at home phone rates and get charged to my home landline. Re the data sais she would transfer me to bigpond but I got put onto message to rate the call. SO at the Telstra shop I had to ring Big Pond. Was a Queue of 25 minutes so via automated system set it up so they woukd ring me on my mobile.

When they rang me back I still had to wait a few minutes to speak to somone. Said I wanted Data because I would be without phone for 3 days. Was told they where not press paid people and I would have to be transfered to pre paid person. Waited 15 minited for this to happen. Person that then answered said they were not prepaid depy and would have to put me on to prepaid. Eventuslly got on to prepaid person (4th person) and had to go through whole store again. He said he had give me 2 GB and siad I would not have to do anythiing to use it. I tried to use it in a mobile phone and it did not work. He sais I should switch off the phone and back on again. I did it still did not work. I said I would test it in the Broadband Dongle.

30/1/2013 about 6:00 pm Broadband dongle reports no $ credit or MB credit

30/1/2013 7;14 PM get SMS on Broadband SIM

saying “+61419462776: Your interim service is now activated. Press *Key at the end of each number to have each call billed to your home accouht”

Try to ring out on broadband SIM and on pressing the call key imediatly get message on phone display “Call Ended” Same thing happens with that SIM card on 2 differnt phones.

30/1/2013 8:14 pm and 9:10 pm No one getting through

calls on my non telstra mobile tell me they can not get through on my land line number.

31/1/2013 about 4:30 PM Chat session with 3 Telstra People Multiple issues

Status: Connected A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. Jasmin Hi Geoff, how may I help you? Jasmin Hi Geoff. Jasmin I understand you would like to enquire about the charges on your bill. Geoff Jasmin do you want my details? Geoff Account number: Bill number: Jasmin Thank for that. Please give me 1 to 2 minutes to pull up your account. Geoff On my reciently recieve bill was this charge: Jasmin Oh, by the way, would you mind providing your date of birth for verification? Geoff

/ /

Geoff 2Q37h983 07 3800 5333 Telstra Mobiles 09 Jan 03:46 pm 0418 185 698 Day 0:02 0.81 Geoff Notice it was for 2 seconds Jasmin Let me have a look. Jasmin I can see that now. Jasmin This happens in instances wherein you were not able to speak to the receiving party. Jasmin Charges may still apply when the following happens to your call: Geoff I dont make 2 second calls so I suggest the call droped out and seeing it was from a Telstra Phone to a Telstra Mobile it was all Telstra equipment so caused by you so I wish that I not be charged for it Jasmin - Was received by an answering machine (including products like MessageBank or Message2Text) - A fax machine - A switchboard (PABX) which after having answered, transfers a call to an extension which may or may not answer - A data modem - A private call diversion machine - A diverted call which is answered by any of the above - A recorded information service for example, the time or weather information service Jasmin - A security company when a domestic or personal security alarm service is connected and part of the service includes automatic calls to the security company. Geoff It was non of them The line droped out Jasmin Calls that are received by the manner of the above instances will register as short calls with duration in seconds specially if you do not leave a message and immediately hung up. Jasmin Nonetheless, they are considered as successful calls. The minimum chargeable time is 1 second. Jasmin The standard voice calls to most Australian mobile phone or fixed numbers (per 60 sec block or part) cost 36? plus the 45? call connection fee. Jasmin Thus, the minimum call charge for every successful call is 81?. Geoff I am not willing to pay for such a calls. Check my records no other call are for such a short diration Geoff Unless you can prove to me the line did not drop out I am not wiling to pay for that call Jasmin These short calls charges are deemed valid. Since this is the first time you've had this charge, I can take care of it for you now. Geoff Please do so Geoff Assuming taking care is giving me a credit for that call? Jasmin Yes. Geoff ok Jasmin However, in the future, I can't assure you future credits. Geoff In the future I will note if the call drops out as I did this time. Jasmin So, that's a total of $1.62. Geoff Why $1.62 If shold be $0.81 Jasmin There were two charges for that amount. Geoff Yes but the other one as for 16 seconds. I accept that one Geoff was Geoff ok? Jasmin Okay. I'll just remove $0.81. Geoff ok Jasmin Thanks for waiting. Jasmin I have successfully lodged a credit order for $0.81 on your recent bill. Geoff Now can you tell me if the fault on my phone line will be fixed before the 3/2/13 as had been communicated to me (I can not use the phone but I did get ADSL back this morning Jasmin You may keep 1-117085979417 as your reference. Geoff thanks can you help me re the phone fault? Jasmin Let me have a look. Geoff ok Jasmin Please bear with me as your account record here is refreshing due to the credit I made. Geoff And after you do that can you tell me if my phone is being diverted to my mobile? It was supposed to be but people trying to ring me have said they can not get through Jasmin Let me have a look. Geoff I was also supposed to be able to make calls on my Prepaid data account Mob No 0457 618 503 But has not been working either Jasmin I can see that calls are not being diverted to your mobile. Geoff Also I spent over one hour on the phone yesterday to try to get data put on the 0457 618 503 account so that I can use the internet and I was unable to use that. Even though it does not matter now can you tell me why I could not use that data on the prepaid mobile a/c when I was assured by the person I spoke to I could? Geoff The phone is supposed to be diverted Can you please divert it to 0411 487 246 my non Telstra Mobile Jasmin Please bear with me while I ring our Faults TEam for you. Geoff You will be an a queue forever Jasmin My call is now on queue. Jasmin With regard to the prepaid mobile which is not working, what I can do is connect you to our Prepaid Team so they can check that. Geoff Please do so if it is via chat Geoff re the fault issue can you forward the chat to the fault team and get them to email me back. Save you and me waiting Jasmin Our Faults Team has no chat support. Geoff But your chat team must have email? Jasmin My colleague is now diverting the calls. Jasmin Non either. Jasmin If you want, I'll stay over the phone with my colleague and connect this chat to our Prepaid Team. Geoff Are you sure you fault team dont have email? Jasmin I am unable to email our Fault Team. Jasmin My colleague has now set up call diversion. Geoff Unable or dont no how? Jasmin We don't have email acces. Jasmin Only chat. Jasmin Instead of you calling the Faults for the diversion, I just did. Jasmin Now, with regard to your Prepaid service enquiries, I can have this connected to a Prepaid specialist. Geoff Please do so Jasmin has disconnected. We are currently transferring your chat to another consultant who will be able to assist you with your enquiry. Please stay online while the new consultant joins. Catherine Gem has joined. Catherine Gem Hi, You have reached the Prepaid section. Please give me a minute while I read interaction above. Geoff ok Geoff I have just re checked trying to use my prepaid mobile to make out calls and now it works. But it did not last night. Always came up with “Call ended” Catherine Gem Maybe the area was congested and there is a network traffic. Geoff I dont feel that woulkd be the message for a congested network. Can you please tell me what a “call ended” message means when it does not even begin to ring? Catherine Gem It means that the call cannot be connected. Geoff I was told the function of letting me make local calls on my mobile would take one hour to activaste it was longer than one hour when I tried it Geoff The you should change you messages to say call can not be connected rather then call ended Catherine Gem It depends on the mobile phone. Geoff I tried it in two differnt brand mobile phones bot with different versions of software and both save the same message ie “call ended” Catherine Gem I understand, but it means that the call was ended and not connected. Catherine Gem It happens in different situations. Geoff Can you assure me that I will not be charged for those calls? Catherine Gem Is the call goes straight to call ended? Catherine Gem Or it take sometimes before the call ended display. Geoff I dont understand your question please refrase it again Catherine Gem When you dial the number does it display call ended straight away? Geoff yes Catherine Gem It means it was not connected therefore you will not be charged, Geoff Ok so If I do get charged I can ask for a credit? Catherine Gem Let me check it here, Catherine Gem Can I have the mobile number please? Geoff As I understand it will not be being charged to my mobile no but my land line so which no do you want? Catherine Gem I can only cater prepaid service. Geoff ok it is 0457 618 503 Catherine Gem Are there charges on this mobile? Geoff I dont understand your question. What do you mean by charges Catherine Gem You are asking for credits, right? Geoff No Catherine Gem My apologies. Geoff The phone has been set to enable me to make call and charge then to my land line whilst my land line is not working Catherine Gem Is this for a prepaid mobile? Geoff yes Catherine Gem If you make calls on a prepaid mobile it cannot be charged to a landline. Geoff I was told it would be in fact I got a SMS that sais“ Your Interim service is now active. Press* key at the end of each number to have each call billed to your home account” Catherine Gem Have you received this sms on the prepaid mobile? Geoff Yes Catherine Gem Just to verify the number that is 0457618503, right? Geoff yes Catherine Gem It was showing that this was not for a mobile instead for a broadband service. Geoff Yes but I put it in a phone. What differance should that make? Catherine Gem It was for broadband use only. Catherine Gem And prepaid calls cannot be charged to a bill. Catherine Gem It cannot be linked to any bill. Geoff No where did it say when I bought the broadband that it could not be used for calls Catherine Gem Yes, it can be used for calls if you have credits on it. Catherine Gem But of you do not have any credits it cannot be billed to any postpaid service. Geoff If it can not be linked to a bill then how come I got that SMS message. Ad How come I cam make calls. You want to check what you are saying is correct? Catherine Gem With this one you I may need to connect you to our fixed line service since I cannot pull up any record regarding that. Catherine Gem I tried pulling up the usage history and its not showing me any calls made. Geoff OK connect me with whoever but I just want to no if I wil be charged on my home account for the call where it said “call ended” Catherine Gem I will now connect you. Catherine Gem has disconnected. We are currently transferring your chat to another consultant who will be able to assist you with your enquiry. Please stay online while the new consultant joins. Karen Vanessa has joined. Geoff Karen, Karen Vanessa Hi Geoff, I see you are enquiring about your home phone bill? Geoff I have a Prepaid Mobile broadband sim card that I have put in a mobile phone that has been set so that call I make on it can be charged at my home land line phone rates because you are not able to fix my phone until 2/2/2013. Geoff calls Geoff When I first tried to use it . The Mobile It would come up with “Call ended as soon as I pressed the call button. Im asking If I have been charged for those calls. Karen Vanessa Geoff, let me just verify, the calls you make on your prepaid mobile: 0457618503 are charged on the rates you have on the phone line service? Karen Vanessa Let me check the usages, may I know which date you tried this one? Geoff last night ie 30/01/2013 Karen Vanessa Okay, Greg, let me take a closer look on the charges. Karen Vanessa Oh sorry Geoff :) Geoff I have since checked my land line account and see ther are no charges for that date. Is the web page where I check un billed call real time. ie if I make a call now and refresh the web page will it show the call? Karen Vanessa Geoff, upon checking the account, there are no charges/usages for the date 31/01/2013, Karen Vanessa it will only show on your usages once you have been connected to the call you are trying to make. Geoff On the web page? Karen Vanessa If you will make a call now and got connected, it will show up on the usages online after a few hours. Karen Vanessa Yes, this is under Myaccount, on Geoff So it is not real time it has a delay of a few hours correct? Karen Vanessa Yes. the system refreshes a few hours within. Geoff Ok Geoff Can you tell me if my land line phone will be going before the 2/2/2013 I was via a recoded voice yesterday? Karen Vanessa OKay, let me check. Geoff If you are going to ring your faults team and ask them and you will be put in a queue rather than me wait can you email me the answer? Karen Vanessa Geoff, upon checking here, it shows that the phone line has been checked already by the Faults team and this will be actioned 24 hours upon today. Geoff What does “and this will be actioned 24 hours upon today.” mean Karen Vanessa Once the phone line is up and running, they will contact you regarding this one. Karen Vanessa Since it shows here on the account that the phone line fault was reported just today 31/01/2013 04:21:06 PM. Our faults team will be actioning that upon 24 hours from today. Karen Vanessa This is the reference number for that: INT 1-117085979846 Geoff I reported the fault 2 days ago.I was give a ref no of 14688025lq Karen Vanessa Let me verify this one as I can see that there was a report of the Fault just today. Karen Vanessa I do apologise for the mixed up, yes, I can see that it was reported 29/01/2013 (due to home phone: No Tone). Geoff So can you tell me if will be fixed before 2/2/2013 ie in 2 days Karen Vanessa Have you been advised of a line test done on the home phone or a technician visit? Geoff no Karen Vanessa Let me call on our Faults team to check, can you please stay online? Geoff As I said before rather than wait whilst you find out can you email me the answer you get? Karen Vanessa Geoff, I got the answer for you form Mike from Faults team. Karen Vanessa *from Karen Vanessa He advised me that the phone will be fixed on 02/02/2013 Geoff ok Geoff ok Karen Vanessa On or Before 7pm of that day. Geoff thanks Karen Vanessa No worries. Karen Vanessa Would there be anything else I can assist you with today? Geoff Because I was not able to use the internet on my home hone line (now I can even though the pgone does not work) I asked yesterday to have 2 GB of data added to my prepaid Mobile broadband Account. I was told that Had been done but on attempting to use it it would not work because it showed as a $0 balance. Even though it does not matter now I would be interested to no why I was told I had been give 2 GB and the balance showed zero.? Karen Vanessa Geoff, upon checking on the interaction here, you were given 2GB of data on your prepaid account. Geoff Then why was it showing as a zero balance? Karen Vanessa Let me check with our prepaid team if it was added correctly on your mobile number: 0457618503. Geoff ok Karen Vanessa Thanks. Karen Vanessa Please hold on. Geoff I have just plugged in the dongle again and it is still showing a balance of $0. Karen Vanessa I see, I am still waiting for them to answer. Karen Vanessa Kindly hold on. Geoff When the person said they had given me the 2 GB yesterday I asked if I had to do anything the activate the 2 GB and he said no. Karen Vanessa Yes, it will automatically be added on the account. Geoff What record are you looking at that sais I have 2 GB of data Karen Vanessa On your account, it shows you have given 2GB of data on 30/01/2013. Karen Vanessa I am now speaking with Eunice from prepaid department. Geoff But WHEN will it be automatically added as the Telstra Turbo Prepaid screen us showing I have a $0 balance? Geoff This is what I get when I use the option 3.Mybalance ” $0.00 (charges can take 48hr). Data remaining 0 MB charged “ Karen Vanessa Geoff, can you check on your account? as Eunice informed me that she has updated the 2GB data on your mobile broadband. Geoff It still sais “$0.00 (charges can take 48hr). Data remaining 0 MB charged” Karen Vanessa Okay, it was updated just this moment, Eunice advised me that you will be able to use this today. Karen Vanessa I suggest you wait a few hours for that to show up on your account. Geoff I have already waited over 12 hours Karen Vanessa Geoff, it was updated by Eunice just this moment. I assure you that the 2GB was updated today and you will be able to use it. Geoff When? Karen Vanessa A couple of hours today, you can check on that from time to time. Geoff ok Karen Vanessa Thanks. Karen Vanessa Would there be anything else I can assist you with today? Geoff No thanks Karen Vanessa Okay Geoff, thank you for using our Live Chat Service. You have a great day ahead. Geoff by Karen Vanessa Bye Type your message…

31/1/2013 5:49 PM Telstra Turbo Prepaid still shows no credit or MB's

3/2/2013 Chat Fault not fixed no follow up

Status: Connected A transcript of this secure Chat is retained and may be monitored for coaching purposes. You can view our Privacy Statement at Please select 'End chat' if you do not wish to proceed. Lea Hi Geoff, how may I help you? Lea Hi Geoff. Lea I understand that you need assistance with your Homeline service. Geoff My land Line phone is not working and has not been for four days and I was told it would be fixed by 2/2/2013 and it is still not working today ie 3/2/2013 Lea No worries. I'll be glad to assist you with that. Lea For the security of your account, may I have your Date of Birth and Homeline Number please? Geoff

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Lea Thanks. Please give me few minutes to pull up your account. Geoff ok Lea Thanks for waiting, Geoff. Lea May I confirm your complete address, please? Geoff 34 Robin Crt Forestdale 4118 Lea What I'm going to do Geoff, is call a colleague to assist me further. Lea May I have your best number to contact? Geoff ok Geoff I prefer you contact me via this chat or via email Geoff so I have a written record of it Lea Please stay online. Geoff ok Lea I have some updates from my colleague in Faults. Lea There is an outage in your area and it is not an isolated case. Geoff yes Lea Our Technical team is doing some work that it will be fix on or before 7 February. Lea I hope I have been of help, is there anything else I can assist you with Geoff? Geoff Yes, Can you explain why I was not informed before the previous date of 2/2/2013 that the fault will not be fixed until to 7/2/2013? Lea For information purposes this chat session will terminate after two minutes of no response from your end. Lea Geoff, it is not an isolated case. It is an outage in your area. Our Technical team is doing overtime to have that fix. Geoff You have not answered my question. Please read it again and answer it Lea Geoff, there is a note in your account 3 February that you were informed that there in an outage in your area. Lea I'm sorry Geoff. It is not correct, right? Geoff I do not understand your question Lea I mean Geoff, that I made a mistake in saying that you were informed of an outage in your area. Lea I apologise for the mistake. Geoff My question was ” Can you explain why I was not informed before the previous date of 2/2/2013 that the fault will not be fixed until to 7/2/2013?“ Geoff Are you going to answer my question? Lea Geoff, I apologise for the inconvenience. Lea I understand you are frustrated that you were not informed. Our Technical team must be too busy doing work with the outage. Geoff The inconvenience of not having a phone line of the far more inconvenience of not informing me that the phone will not be fixed by the designated time. Lea We also get updates from Technical team if we make a call to follow up customer concern regarding Homeline phone faults. Geoff I do not understand that Lea We call customer faulty phone line to our Technical team for updates. Geoff Ok I was not informed via a company that purports to be a communications company Geoff Another issue Lea How may I assist you with another issue? Geoff When I did not have my phone line I asked and was told I was given 2 GB of data on my prepaid broadband mobile sim card. The Telstra Turbo software said my balance was zero. 2 day ago via a chat I again asked about it and I was told that 2 GB is on my account. It still showed as zero and I was told I should wait a while to the balance to come up. Now 2 days later the balance still shows as zero. WHY? Geoff I do now have ADSL broadband working on my phone line even though my phone is not working. Can you explain how that happens? Lea Geoff, I'm sorry to say I can't help you if it is a prepaid account. What I'm going to do is transfer you to our Prepaid team for further assistance. Geoff ok Lea Thanks. Lea Please stay online while I connect this chat session to them. Geoff ok Lea has disconnected. We are currently transferring your chat to another consultant who will be able to assist you with your enquiry. Please stay online while the new consultant joins. Larry Kent has joined. Larry Kent Hi, as I see, you are enquiring about your prepaid mobile? Geoff Yes in particular why twice I have been told it has a 2 GB balance yet the Telstra Turbo sorfware shows a balance of 0 Geoff it also shows my Mobile No: 0457618503 Larry Kent Let me just check the notes. one moment. Geoff Also that I can not use the prepaid data I assume because the balance is zero Larry Kent Upon checking, it seems that the Bonus data is visible on your account and it is valid till 02/02/13. Have you tried disconnecting the device and restarting the computer and check if you can connect? Geoff May I respectfully suggest that looking at the notes will serve no purpose because anything can be put in the notes. DO you have some other way of checking the balance? Larry Kent Have you seen my reply before yours? Geoff Yes. If the balance is valid to 2/2/03 then is has expired. I was told the 2 GB would have a 30 day expiry date Larry Kent Sorry that is 02/03/13. Geoff I again ask DO you have some other way of checking the balance other than the notes. I have switched off and on my computer and reinserted the dongle multiple times. Larry Kent As I have indicated, I have seen that on Your Account. Geoff Then why does the Telstra Turbo software show the $ and MB Balance as zero? Larry Kent Balance is $0 because 2GB is not a monetary value. It is a data that is why it will really tell you you have $0 since you have no Recharge credit. Geoff Ok then how do I find out how much of the 2 GB is left Geoff When I use option ?? Larry Kent You just need to check the usage history. Geoff When I use Option3 I get a responce Data remaining 0 MB charged . Geoff I have no facility to get a useage history Larry Kent You can check it if you have a Telstra online account. If you do not have one yet, you need to register. Geoff Also redardless of the above If I use the Dongle I can connect to the internet. Larry Kent That is because the bonus data is active. Geoff I do have a Telstra Online Account but for ADSL. Not Prepaid. Geoff previous 2 ago should say CAN NOT connect to the internet Larry Kent Have you tried disconnecting the device and restarting the computer and check if you can connect? Geoff Yes Larry Kent Did you made a SIM change recently on your broadband device? Geoff no Larry Kent 0457618503-when I check, there was a recent change on the prepaid SIM last 30/01/13. Geoff So? Larry Kent That change is not yet complete and might be the one affecting your internet access. Do you have any other number we can ring so we can connect you to our technical support area? Geoff yes. 0411 487 246. But what change? Larry Kent I think it was changed by the postpaid area as I see that your home phone number was inserted on it. Not sure what was that about as we only do prepaid modifications. I'll call you on that number and connect you to technical support. Geoff Telstra Have set up that Number, 0457618503 so that I can make outward calls and have then charged to my home phone. I dont see why that should effect using broadband on that number. Type your message…

11:22 3/2/2013 LArry rang me and put my on to technical support

11:25 3/2/2103 I was able to use the sim data. A techincal support person was not able to show me where the 2 GB of Bonus data showed up on the Telstra Turbo Prepaid software. He insisted that it would show up on the the main screen. After experimentation I doscovered it shows up in option 2. Pluspacks and then sub option 1. Pluspacks Balance. It has only taken 4 days to find this.

telstra_issues.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/04 16:36 (external edit)