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Speed Infringement Notice

This Electronic Notice is issued at the date and time recorded at the bottom of this notice.

why you're receiving this notice

you are receiving this notice because you are the registered owner of the vehicle shown in the photo.


Based on this later photo:

that shows the exact GPS position of your vehicle at a later time (2 seconds later) it is determined that you were at speed.


penalty for being at speed is 1 million anarchy dollars $ANC

See: anarchy currency

this penalty will be paid to you within 28 seconds of you receiving this notice.

additionally you will get 5 merit points. once you received 20 merit points you'll be entitled to one free biscuit, at the next PC coffee get together meeting.

so please make sure you are again photographed doing speed when going to the next PC coffee club meeting.

speed_infringement.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/13 12:57 by geoff