
infringement notice invalid because

uses term your vehicle when it was not my vehicle

states“nominate now and the penalty will be reduced for an individual”. which appears to be false

nothing on the form indicates that it comes from the commissioner or chief executive as required in 116 (1)(a)

the notice contravenes 116 (1) (b) in that it does not show the provisions of section 114, it only refers to a part of the ACT

the notice contravenes 116 (1) (b) in that it does not show the provisions of section 114, specifically 114 (3) (b) (ii).

the notice states that the time of the offence was 09:09 on 05/03/2020. it does not state if it was a.m. or p.m. or if the time format is 12 or 24-hour format

if the alleged time of the offence was 9:09 a.m. then I have electronic evidence to indicate that that vehicle was not at that position at that time.

the infringement notice contravenes the common law concert that one is innocent until proven guilty.

the ACT itself

sections 114 through to 116 of the ACT do not meet the ACTs objectives, specifically Section 3 (1) (iii) and (iv)

directly or indirectly no authority exist for the implantation of the ACT.

speed_camera_defence.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/27 12:45 (external edit)