
Personal Record Keeping

Prior to Digital Age

  1. mainly paper
  2. correspondence
  3. bills
  4. photos
  5. film
  6. newspapers
  7. cards birthday events
  8. collections
  9. videos
  10. audio

Extras Since the Digital Age personally collected

  1. digital files
  2. digital photos
  3. digital movies
  4. digital videos
  5. digital audio
  6. CDs and DVDs
  7. scanned records
  8. GPS data
  9. email
  10. contacts
  11. phone logs
  12. cloud data

Extras in Digital Age Collected on Your Behalf

  1. Facebook posts
  2. Twitter posts
  3. banking transactions
  4. government records myGov
  5. blog posts
  6. tracking data
  7. browsing history
  8. app history
  9. YouTube history
  10. connections history
  11. purchasing history
  12. ISP metadata
  13. DNA

Collected without your Knowledge

  1. items on the previous list you don't know about
  2. CCTV
  3. surveillance data
  4. drone data
  5. satellite data
  6. financial transactions
  7. analytics
  8. credit rating
  9. interface interaction
  10. anonymise data
  11. derivative data
  12. sold data about you
  13. the unknown unknowns

'People You May Know' is the perfect demonstration of everything that's wrong with Facebook

Do you want to keep it?

How long can you keep it?

why would you want to keep it?

can you get access to it?

who owns it?

what happens to it after you're gone?


record_keeping_personal.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/10 16:50 by geoff