Below is a list of what people wrote in the chat on the webinar presented on the 8th of March, on speech recognition, to the question of what typing people do.
All the functions listed can benefit from using Speech recognition
The only item where you could not benefit in using speech recognition would be the taking of minutes within a meeting. A quiet environment is needed to use speech recognition and this would be very unlikely in a meeting. However as meetings are not usually written verbatim, but rather are produced after the meeting in the style of the minute writer, speech recognition could be used in that instance.
writing instructions for students word processing report writing emails and writing up reports Email commmuniction emails emails how-tos and reports instructions, emails note and writing book, emails storing patterns, recipes, letters Email and writing reports, databases, databases reports letters, reports, emails, payroll General office work, letters, worksheets, etc All and sundry all administrative work including minutes, reports