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I've completed the basic computer class with dianna in august - october, 2009. i like to learn how to do different things work, like how to put pictures to letters for xmas and the use of other keys ( like from F1 though to F12).what do they mean? i'm more of a hands on person, show me, better then reading stuff, but will try the reading stuff. sometimes, i dont get it the first time round. then other times, it comes easy, i like to learn it slow and not too strict. hope theres not exams at the end. i have an addiction with scrapbooking / and card making birthday & xmas cards, so the computer will become my right hand, hopefully my husband grows orchids, and we come to our meetings here at this venue, on the 3rd tuesday evening of the month,
Date : 13/11/09
COURSE NAME : Intermediate
COURSE TUTOR : Geoff Greig
DID THIS COURSE MEET YOUR NEEDS? Delete Which in Not applicable YES
What Were The Things you found most beneficial/interesting : photo story and getting photos to letters.
Any ways the course could be improved : no it was very interesting,
What Were the things you found more difficult to grasp : irfanview. cpu and task manager, the pie thingo
For the things you found difficult, is there anything which could have assisted you more within the time available and the scope of the course. no, i think it is only practise and time.
Please Rate : 5 being best, 1 being worst
everything was great, freindly tutors, easy to explain, gives answers to the questions you ask. look forward to new classes in the new year. given time, thank you.