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Internet and Email Exercises

Internet Exercises 1 - Linking and going back

  1. Point at this text. What does the the cursor appear as?
  2. Move the pointer away from any text. How has the cursor changed now? Why?
  3. Point at this. How does the cursor change? What does it change to? What do you think it means?
  4. Point at this. Now click on it. What happened? How did you get back here?
  5. Repeat the above step a number of times.
  6. What you have been doing is called hyper linking and going back. Do you understand what is happening and why? If not ask your tutor
  7. How do you know which items you can click on to go to another page?
  8. Click on here
  9. How many times did you have to click on the back button to get back to here and why?
  10. Click on forward button, the one to the right of the back button with the arrow pointing to the right
  11. How did you end up back here and why?
  12. When you get to the Multiple levels 2 page do the three steps at the bottom of the page. Click on here
  13. How come you got back here without clicking on the back button?
  14. The recent pages button (to the right of the forward button) allows you to quickly go back to any page you have come from without clicking back multiple times

Internet Exercises 2 - Home Button, Address Bar and Search Engines

To be able to do the below exercises you will need to be able to see this window and also the window where you do the exercises and switch between the two. The Beginners course notes has an explanation of how this is done here and exercise on doing it here.

  1. After doing this step you will be in a new window and you will have to click on the item on the task bar that represents these exercise to get back to these exercises. Click on the 'file' menu and then click on 'New Window'. What happened and why?
  2. Move the pointer to the little house on the tool bar, What happened? Click on the house, What happened? Why do you think you ended up where you did?
  3. The little house is the home icon and takes you to what has been set as your home page. You can have any page as your home page
  4. Click on the address bar and type in “” without the quotes and then press enter. What happened and why?
  5. This is the Google Search engine page.
  6. In the rectangle on the Google page type in “Bricks” without the quotes and click on the Google 'search' button. What happened and why?
  7. This is the google result page. What does it say to the right of the word 'Results'? What do you think that means?
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the results page. What do you think will happen if you click on the word 'Next' below the text Goooooooooogle? Try it. What did happen?
  9. What does it say to the right of 'Results' now? How is this different from what it was before? What does the 'Next' Button do?
  10. How do you think you would go to one of the pages that Google has given you as a search result? Yes you would just click on it as you would any other link
  11. In the rectangle on the Google page type in “ Red Bricks” without the quotes and click on the Google 'search' button. What happened and why?
  12. Is what is written to the right of results different than what it was before? Why?
  13. Click on 'Advanced search' to the right of the rectangle, What happened?
  14. This is the advanced Google search page. Click to the right of the letter 's' in the word bricks and whilst holding down the shift key press the left arrow key the number of times so that all the text “Red bricks” is highlighted. Whilst still pointing at the highlighted text right click and click on Cut. What happened? Click in the “this exact wording or phrase” rectangle, right click and click paste. What happened? You have moved the selected text from the “all these words” rectangle to the “this exact wording or phrase” rectangle. Note the other items on the advanced search page.
  15. Click the 'Advanced Search' button, you may have to scroll down to see it. What happened? What does it say to the right of 'Result' now? Why are there less results now? Because you are now searching for the exact phrase “Red Bricks” whereas before you were searching for the word 'Red' or the word 'Bricks'.
  16. In the rectangle how is the text red bricks now different? It has quotation marks around it. That is how you can tell Google that you want to search for an exact phrase rather than all the words in a phrase without having to go to the advanced search page.
  17. Cllick on “Advanced Search” and in the “Search within a site or domain” retangle enter, withou the quotes “au”. Click on the “Advanced search” button. What happened? Notice the number of items found is not less? Notice also that in the search retangle after “Red bricks” is “Site au”. This means that Google is now only searching on web site that end in au. ie only sites for Australia.
  18. Use what you have learnt above to find: The population of Australia, The current weather for Brisbane, London and New York, about your tutor, about your self, something that you have an interest in.

Internet Exercises 3 - Status Bar and Secure Sites

  1. Point at this. What appears on the left of the Status bar at the bottom of the screen? Point away from where you were pointing. What appears to the left of the Status bar at the bottom of the screen now? Why? Try this a few times.
  2. Look at the middle of the Status Bar and whilst watching it click on here. Now you are back here what appeared in the middle of the status bar and what was it for?
  3. Click here to go to the Westpac bank internet banking login page. Notice to the right of the status bar is a padlock icon. What do you think this means. It indicates that this is a secure site. A secure site is one were the information you enter is encrypted (jumbled in such a way that people can not read it) before it is sent over the internet. Secure sites usually involve financial transactions. Eg. Banks.
  4. Click on the downward pointing triangle at the extreame right of the status bar and click on 50%. What happened. Now change it back to 100%

Internet Exercises 4 - Saving pages, Opening, Printing pages and Bookmarks (Favourites), Find in Page, Refresh

  1. Click on the 'File' Menu and then click on 'Save As'. Note what it says to the right of “Save in”. Change the 'save as type' to “Webpage Complete” and then click on the 'Save' Button. What do you think you have just done? Why would you do it?
  2. Click on the Home Icon. What happened? Click on 'File' and then click on 'Open'. What now appears? Click on the Browse Button. What happened? Click on the first Internet and Email Exercises file, and then click on 'Open'. Now Click on 'Ok'. What happened. How is the Address Bar now different and why?
  3. Click on 'File' and then on 'Print'. What happened? What do you think would happen if you were to click on 'Print'? Please don't print as it would be wasting paper. Click Cancel.
  4. Click on 'Favorites' on the menu, what happened?. Note what is displayed. Click 'Add to Favorites'. What happened? Click on 'Add' button. What happened?
  5. If you got a message “The name you entered for the short cut already exists on your favorite menu. Would you like to overwrite it?” click on Yes
  6. Click on the Favorites menu again. How is it different from what it was previously? Click on the last item in the list. What happened. What is Favorites used for? How can it benefit you?
  7. Click on the Edit Menu, then on Find on this page. What happened? In the find rectangle in the find window type the word “the” without the quotes and then click on the next button. What happened and why? What do you think will happen if you click on next again? try it. Click on Next a number of times. What happened and why? Click on the Previous button. what happened and why. What do you think the 'Match whole word only' and 'Match case' do? Try and work it out yourself. Close the 'Find' window
  8. Notice the text at the top of the window says 'This page will refresh in xx seconds'. What happened when it got to zero? Close the webcam window
  9. Click on this link This is the Australian Stock Exchange site showing the latest Telstra share price. Note what it is.
  10. Point at the icon with the two arrows on it to the right of the address bar, What happened. This is the refresh button. Click on it. What happened? If the Telstra share price changed from when you first went to this page it will now show you the new price. What is the purpose of the refresh button?
  11. Click on the View menu, then 'Source'. What appeared? What does it all mean? This is the code called HTML that allows you to see web pages

Internet Exercises 5 - Downloading files, Using Multiple Tabs, Using Multiple Windows

  1. Click on this link Click on one of the 1st Freeware typing program. Then click 'Download'. When it asks to 'Run' or 'Save' click save, then 'Save'. What happened? Where was files saved to? See if you can find it.
  2. Right click on the this link What is shown? What do you think is the difference between the first three items? Click on “Open in New Tab” What happened? Notice that a new tab has appeared above this. Before you click on that tab you will have to click on this tab to get back to here. Click on the new tab. What happened? Click back on the original tab What do you think is the difference between opening something in a new tab and going back with the back button?
  3. Whilst holding down the CTRL key click on this link What happened? Clicking on a link whilst holding down the CTRL key is the same as right clicking and selecting “Open in New Tab”. Switch to the Telstra tab and CTRL + click on about 6 links. What happened. Notice you can see the other tabs loading.
  4. Click on the button with the 4 boxes on it to the left of the tabs. What happened? You can see all the tabs. Click on the one with these notes
  5. Whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “T” key. What happened? A new blank tab was opened. This is useful when you want to look at or enter a web address or do a search without using one of your existing tabs
  6. Right click on the tab for this page. What is shown? Click on “Close Other Tabs” What happened. This is handy when you have many tabs open and you want to close them all except one.
  7. Right click on this link and then click on “Open in New Window” What happened? Notice the new version of internet explorer on the task bar. Click on it. You can have multiple tabs in multiple windows. Try CTRL + clicking on the links on this window.
  8. Whilst holding down the shift key click on any link. What happened? Shift + clicking is the same as right clicking and selecting “Open in New Window”

Email Exercises 1- Creating and Sending Messages, Formatting Messages, Send/Receive Button

If you are doing these exercises in the training room your tutor will tell which email address to use. If you are doing these at home when you are required to enter a email address enter you own email address. NOTE: If you have a Gmail email address even though you can send emails to your self they will not be sent or appear in your outlook inbox.

  1. Click on the file menu and then point on New and then click on Mail Message. What happened? How is the task tab now different? What is the title of this new window?
  2. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word To: Type in the email address of the person sitting beside you.
  3. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word Subject: Type in “My first Email” without the quotes. What is the title of the window now?
  4. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is my first email.
  5. Look at all of the window. What do you think you do to send the email? Yes click on the send button. What happened? Where is your message?
  6. Click on the Sent Items folder in the folders pane. What happened? What is shown in the messages pane. What is the subject of the message?
  7. Click on the Send/Receive button in the middle of the tool bar. What happened. What is different about the Inbox folder in the folders pane?
  8. Click on the Inbox folder in the folders pane. What happened? How do you think that you would know if a email has been opened or not? If it has not been opened the icon envelope will be closed. Click on a closed envelope message line. What happened and why? Read the message. If you have more than one unread message click on each one and read them.
  9. Click on the file menu and then point on New and then click on Mail Message. What happened? How is the task tab now different? What is the title of this new window?
  10. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word To: Type in the email address of the person sitting beside you
  11. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word Subject: Type in “Formated Email” without the quotes. What is the title of the window now?
  12. On the Toolbar click on the B icon
  13. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is Bold. What happened? Press the enter key. What happened?
  14. On the Toolbar click on the I icon
  15. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is Italic. What happened? Press the enter key. What happened?
  16. On the Toolbar click on the U icon
  17. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is Underlined. What happened? Press the enter key. What happened?
  18. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is Red. What happened? Press the enter key. What happened?
  19. Drag over the word Red. What happened? Click on the A icon and select the red colour. What happened. Click to the right of the word Red. What happened?
  20. Press the Enter Key
  21. Click on the 10 icon (in may have another number on it) and click on 18. Type this is a larger font. What happened?
  22. Experiment with other font Sizes and also try changing the font style, its icon is the the left of the font size (number) icon.
  23. Experiment with the other icons on the tool bar.
  24. Click on the send button. What happened?
  25. Click on the Sent Items folder in the folders pane. What happened? What is shown in the messages pane. What is the subject of the message?
  26. Click on the Send/Receive button in the middle of the tool bar. What happened. What is different about the Inbox folder in the folders pane?

Email Exercises 2 - CC, BCC, and Reply and Reply All

  1. Using what you have learnt create another new message to send to the person beside you
  2. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word CC: Type in the email address of the person sitting on the other side of you.
  3. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word BCC: Type in the email address of any other person in the class.
  4. Click in the rectangle to the right of the word Subject: Type in “Test CC and BCC Email” without the quotes. What is the title of the window now?
  5. Click on the large rectangle at lower part of the window and type in. This is a test of CC and BCC.
  6. Click on the Sent Items folder in the folders pane. What happened? What is shown in the messages pane. What is the subject of the message?
  7. Click on the Send/Receive button in the middle of the tool bar. What happened. What is different about the Inbox folder in the folders pane?
  8. What do you think CC means and BCC means?
  9. Click on one of the messages with the title of This is a test of CC and BCC
  10. On the Toolbar click on the Reply Icon. What happened? What is to the right of To:? What is in the body of the message? At the top of the large rectangle type . This is me replying. Do what is required to send the message. What happened and why?
  11. Click on one of the messages with the title of This is a test of CC and BCC
  12. On the Toolbar click on the Reply All Icon. What happened? What is to the right of To:? How is it different from what happened when you clicked on Reply? What is in the body of the message? At the top of the large rectangle type “This is me replying to all”. Do what is required to send the message. What happened and why?
  13. What is the differencing between Reply and Reply All ?

Email Exercises 3 - Deleting, Forwarding and Printing Messages, Address Book

  1. Click on one of the messages you have received. Notice on the Status bar how many messages are in the in box. Press the delete key. What happened? How many messages are in the in box now. Click on the Deleted items Folder. Is the message you just deleted their? Click on that message and press the delete key. What happened. Click on Yes. Why do you think messages are not deleted immediately?
  2. Click on the Inbox folder and then any message you have received. Click on the Forward icon, What is in the subject rectangle? How is it different from the original subject. enter a email address of someone else in the room and do what is required to send the message. How is forwarding a message different from repling to a message?
  3. See if you can work out how to print a message. Why would you print a email?
  4. Click on any received email. Click on the email address. Now right click and click on Add to Address Book. What happened. Click on Ok. What other way do you think you could add to an address book? What is the advantage of the method you just used?
  5. Create a new message. Instead of typing the email address clck on the little book icon to the left of To:. What happened? We want to email everyone in the class so clic on the first email address and then whilst holding down the Shift key click on the last email address. What happened. Click on the To button in the Select Reciepents window. What happened? Click on ok. What happened? Notice how each of the email addresses are seperated. In the subject enter. Using the address book. Do what is required to sent the message. What is the advantage of using the address book. See if you can find out what email address book groups are, how to use them and the benefits of using them.
  6. Compose a message to all in the class, uning the address book, with the subject of “Attachments”. In the message window click on the attach icon. What happened? click on a image file and then click Attach. What happened? Notice the extra line under Subject. Why does it have in it? Do what is required to send the message.

Email Exercises 4 - Organising and Moving Messages between Folders, Message Rules, Using Folders,

  1. Click on the Inbox folder. Click on the heading From. What happened to the list of messages? Click on From Heading again. What happened to the list of messages? What else changed in the heading?
  2. Click on the Inbox folder. Click on the heading Subject. What happened to the list of messages? Click on Subject Heading again. What happened to the list of messages? What else changed in the heading?
  3. Click on the Inbox folder. Click on the heading Received. What happened to the list of messages? Click on Received Heading again. What happened to the list of messages? What else changed in the heading?
  4. What is the advantage of doing the above?
  5. Click on the Inbox folder. Right click on the Inbox folder and then click on New Folder. What happened? Type in Student1 and click on Ok.
  6. Click on the Inbox folder. Right click on the Inbox folder and then click on New Folder. What happened? Type in Student2 and click on Ok.
  7. Repeat the above steps so that you have folder up to Student6
  8. Make sure the messages are in From ascending order. Click on the first message from Student1. Whilst holding down the shift key click on the last message from Student1. What happened. Whilst pointing at any of the now selected messages drag them to the Student1 folder. What happened and why?
  9. Repeat the above for each of the six students.
  10. Now move all the messages from the six student folders back to the Inbox folder. Do you think their must be a easier way of doing this?
  11. From the Tools menu click on Message Rules. Then click on Mail. What happened?
  12. Click on the check box 'Where the From line contains people'. What happened. Click on 'contains people'. What happened? Click on the Contacts button. What happened?. Click on Student1 and then click on the From Button. What happened? Click on Ok. Click on the check box 'Move it to the specified folder'. What happened? Click on 'Specified'. What happened? Click on the Student1 folder and then click on Ok. Click on ok. What happened? What do you think that all this has achieved?
  13. Click on New and repeat the above step for Students 2 through to 6. Click on ok to exit the Message rules
  14. Send a message to Student1 through to Student6. Click the Send/Receive button. Click the Send/Receive button again. Where did the received messages end up ad why?
  15. From the Tools menu click on Message Rules. Then click on Mail. What do you think will happen if you click on the Apply Now button? Try it.

Email Exercises 5 - Searching for Messages and Configuring Email processes

  1. Click on the Edit Menu then click on Find then message. What happened? What is shown in the 'Look in' rectangle? Why?
  2. In the 'From' rectangle enter Student and then click on 'Find Now'. What happened and why?
  3. What do you think will happen if you click on 'New Search'? Do it
  4. In the 'Subject' rectangle enter Test. What do you think will happen if you click on Find Now? Do it
  5. Click on New Search and enter Hello in the Message rectangle. What do you expect to happen when you click 'Find now'? Do it.
  6. Click on New Search and experiment with the other items in the 'Find Message' dialogue. Close the 'Find Message' window.
  7. Click on Tools Menu and then options. What happened? Click on each of the tabs to see what they contain. What do you think each item does? Exit the Options window.

Self test exercises on the internet and email

  1. Search the internet for the Monopoly Board that you used to play.
  2. Search the internet for Google Maps
  3. For each of the streets on the Monopoly Board find the street on Google maps and then using street view find the street sign and save a copy of it to your computer
  4. Find any web cam for the centre of Brisbane. Find a web cam for the following cities: London, New York, Paris, Rome and save a copy of the image to your computer
  5. Find the cheapest airfare to fly to New York and London
  6. Find all the houses for sale in your suburb and save the address and prices to your computer.
  7. Write a email to your tutor describing your experience doing this course and doing the above exercises.
internet_and_email_exercises.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/19 13:34 (external edit)