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Intermediate Course Exercises

These are exercises that you can do to practise what you have learnt in the intermediate course. They are designed to be performed each point at a time.

This is what you should do to get the most out of doing this course.

  1. Read what the material says, slowly and carefully. It is my experience that people often can not perform a function (step) correctly because they have simply not read or skipped part of the instructions
  2. If what is supposed to happen does not happen, go back and read the specific step, then try doing it again
  3. If after doing the above what is supposed to happen still does not happen start back at the beginning of that section again
  4. If you are still not getting it to work then email me at . It could be that I have made a mistake in the notes. I do make mistakes
  5. Before doing what a step tells you to do have a good look at the screen looks like and form an image in you mind of what you think the screen will look like after you do the step
  6. In each point, it will often say, What happened? This is to get you used to carefully looking at the screen or window after you perform a step to see how it is changed. Learning how to use a computer application is all about performing functions, observing what happens after you performed a function and understanding why the function resulted in that change in the computer screen or window.
  7. If you perform steps and observe what happens but don't understand why it happens then you are not learning. In which case I suggest you read the point again or even repeat the entire section again. If you still don't understand then please email me at . It may be that I have not explained it in sufficient detail or have left out a step. Its more likely to be a problem with me rather than you, I do make mistakes but I want this material to be as good as it can possible be.
  8. Only spend as much time doing this course as you are comfortable with at any one time. Even then take breaks. You will learn faster that way.
  9. At the top right is a Table of Contents. Use this to get to where you leave off each time. If you do use the table of contents you can bookmark, or add to favourites so it will be easier to get to where you left off last time.

Read this and do the Exercises

To complete these exercises you need to be able to see and read this document and use other programs at the same time. If you know how to you could print these web pages to accomplish this, however these notes are not designed to be printed. Rather they are meant to be displayed on the screen at the same time as you are using other programs. If you do not know how to do this then you will need to read the appropriate beginners course material on manipulating windows here and preferably do these exercises.

Task Manger

  1. Whilst holding down the CTRL and ALT keys at the same time and press the Del key. What happened? If you are using Vista click on Task Manager.
  2. Click on the Applications tab. What is shown? You should see at least one line, that being the browser you are using to see these exercises provided you are not reading them off paper.
  3. Click on Start point at Accessories and click on Notepad. What now also appears on the Windows Task Manager Window and why?
  4. Click on Start point at All Programs then point at Accessories and click on Wordpad. What now also appears on the Windows Task Manager Window and why?
  5. On the Windows Task Manager Window click on Untitled -Notepad and then click on the Switch to button. What happened and why?
  6. On the Windows Task Manager Window click on Document Untitled-Notepad and then click on the End Task button. What happened and why? It stopped the Notepad program. Notice it is no longer on the screen or on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. This is not the Normal way of ending a program but sometimes it can be the only way to end a program that is not responding the way it should.
  7. Use what you have learn to stop the Wordpad program using the Windows Task Manager Window. Why is there lots of processes when there are only a few or no programs running? Because some of the processes are part of the operating system or are system processes (in the system tray) and one program can consist of multiple processes.
  8. Scroll through the list of processes to see if you can recognise the Image name of any of them. For the ones you do not know do a Google search on their image name.
  9. Click on the Processes Tab. What is now presented?
  10. Click on the heading Image Name. What happened? Click on it again. What happened? It puts it in ascending or descending alphabetical order
  11. Click on the heading CPU. What happened. Click it again. What happened? It puts it in CPU numerical ascending or descending order. The CPU column is how much percentage time the CPU (Central Processing Unit, Brain of the computer) is using on each process.
  12. Based on the above, why do you think the Image Names keep jumping positions?
  13. Which process uses the most time and why?
  14. Click on the heading Mem Usage. What happened and why? Which process uses the most memory?
  15. Click on the performance tab. What is displayed and what does it mean?
  16. Start a number of other programs and note what happens to the CPU Usage and the PF Usage graphs
  17. Stop each of the programs you started in the previous step and notice what happens to the graphs
  18. Click on each of the Menu items to see what they do. If you want try these items.
  19. Click on the Help menu and read as much of the help as you can understand or until you get bored.
  20. Exit the Windows Task Manager window.

Self test on Task Manager

  1. Start Task Manager
  2. Start as many programs as you can
  3. Which process is taking up the most CPU resources?
  4. Which process is using the most memory?
  5. What happens the more programs you run and what can you do about it?

Installing and Uninstalling Applications Exercises

  1. If you not already using it start Internet Explorer or whatever browser you use.
  2. Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Download TypeFaster-install.exe (1.81 MB)”
  3. If you are asked if you want to save or run the program click on Save. Note where the file is saved to.
  4. Whilst holding down the windows Key press the E key. This should start Windows Explorer
  5. Navigate to the folder where you saved the above file. If you don't know how to do this you need to complete the Windows Explorer exercises
  6. Double click on the file “TypeFaster-v0.4.2-install.exe”. What happened? You may get a warning to the effect that the file could not be verified. If so click on the Run button.
  7. A window TypeFaster Typing Tutor Setup:Licese Agreement should open showing the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE agreement. If you haven't time scroll down through the agreement and read it. Click on the I Agree button.
  8. Click on the Next button, In the next window click on the Next Button and in the next window click on Install. Now click on the Close Button. The program should now installed.
  9. Click on Start, point at All Programs, TypeFaster and click on TypeFaster. If you want to try using the TypeFaster program
  10. Close the TypeFaster Program
  11. Click on Start, point at all programs, TypeFaster and Click on Uninstall
  12. Click the uninstall button, click the close button. What happened and why?
  13. Click on Start, point at All Programs. Is the TypeFaster program still there? Why?
  14. Use what you have learn above to install the TypeFaster program again
  15. The uninstall method we used above was via the Start Menu. Some programs don't have uninstall on the start menu so you have to uninstall them the way described below.
  16. Click on Start and click on Control Panel
  17. From Pick a Category click on Add or Remove Programs or just click on Add or remove programs if you can see it. The way this appears depends on, in Tools, Folder Options Menu, General Tab, if Show Common Tasks in Folders or Use Windows Classic folders is selected.
  18. Click on Add/Remove programs. If you are using Vista click on Programs and Features. What happened? This is a list of all the programs currently installed on your computer.
  19. Scroll down until you can see the TypeFast Typing Tutor program. The list is in alphabetical order. Click the Change/Remove Button or if you are using Vista double click on TypeFast Typing Tutor.
  20. Click the Uninstall button, then the close button. Confirm TypeFast has been installed.

Self Test Installing and Uninstalling Applications

  1. Do a Google search on “Typing Tutor Programs” and download a typing tutor program other than TypeFast.
  2. Install the program that you downloaded in the above step
  3. Uninstall the above program

Anti Virus software Exercises

To do the following exercises you need to have the free version of AVG 8.5 installed on your computer. You can download it from:

The link on the above page to download it is at the bottom left of the page. Make sure you download the free version not the paid for version

  1. Double click on the AVG icon in the system tray (to the left of the time at the bottom right of the screen) You can tell which icon is the AVG one by pointing at each icon and a small hint will appear telling you the name of it. You may not be able to see all the icons. If so click on the left most icon which is the show hidden icons icon. If all goes well the AVG Anti-Virus free window should appear. What is on this window?
  2. Click each in turn on the items on the left of the AVG Anti-Virus screen: Overview, Computer Scanner and Update Now. What happened when you did that?
  3. Click back on Overview. Does it say on the top right “You are protected, All Securities features are working and up to date”? What do you think this means?
  4. What do you think each of the items in the heading Security Component and status overview means? If you don't know how do you think you would find out?
  5. Click on the Help Menu, then Contents. Arrange the windows so you can see this window, the AVG window and the AVG Help window all at the same time
  6. Click on the AVG Help screen Search tab. and type in the name of the components that appear in the AVG Overview window then Click on List Topics. Read about each item. Do you understand it? Does it make sense? I find that the search in the AVG help does not give me the help I,m looking for. Close the AVG Help window
  7. Click Computer Scanner. What do you think the items under the heading “Scan for threats do”? Click on Scan specific files or folders. What appeared? Why do you think this appeared. It is so you can select which specific files and folders you wish AVG to scan for you.
  8. Does this screen look familiar? If it does it's because is much the same as the windows explorer window. Expand the C drive by clicking on the + to the left of it. What happened and why? Click on the name of any folder. What happened? What do you think it means to select this folder?
  9. Click on the Start Scan button towards the bottom of the window. What happened? What do you think the Pause and Stop Buttons will do. Try each of them in turn. Did they do as you expected?
  10. Try as many other functions as you can in AVG. Close the AVG window.

Self Test of Anti Virus software

  1. Start AVG
  2. Do a scan of any folder other than the one you did in the above exercises
  3. Plug in a memory stick or put a disk in the CD/DVD drive. Do a scan of this

Adware Removal Exercises

To do the following exercises you need to have the free version of Ad-Aware 2007 installed on your computer. You can download it from

  1. Start Ad-Aware by clicking on Start, point at All Programs, LavaSoft, Ad-Aware 2007 and click on Ad-Aware 2007. What appeared?
  2. Look carefully at the all of the Ad-Aware window. Move the mouse pointer over different parts of this window. Notice that it sometimes changes from and Arrow to a Pointing hand. What do you think it means when it is a pointing hand?
  3. Point at the Status button near the top left, what happened?. Click on the Status Button. What happened and why. Click on Status again. What happened and why. A sub menu appears.
  4. What is shown in the Status sub menu? What happens when you click on Statistics? What happens when you click on Log Files?
  5. What do you think the Scan Button will do? Click on it? Click on each of the Scan sub menus to see what they do. What do they do?
  6. From the Scan menu click on Scan Mode. What is the difference between Smart Scan, Full Scan and Custom Scan? With Smart Scan Selected click on the Scan button on the bottom right. What happened?
  7. If you don't want to wait until the scan is finished click on the Stop scan button at the bottom right. What happen when you stopped the scan or it came to an end?
  8. Click the finish button at the bottom right. If you stopped the scan you may get a window that sais “There are unhandled objects. Do you still want to finish. Click Yes
  9. What do think is the purpose of the Scan Summary?
  10. Click on the question mark icon towards the top right. This should open the help window. Read through the help screens. Close the help window.
  11. Experiment with the items you have not used in Ad-Aware.
  12. Close Ad-aware

Self Test Adware Removal

  1. Start Ad-aware
  2. Do a full Scan
  3. Close Ad-aware

Spyware Removal and Prevention Exercises

To do the following exercises you need to have Spybot Search and Destroy Version on your computer. You should be able to download it from

  1. If the spybot icon is in the system tray (left of the time at the bottom right of the screen) you can right click on in (pointing at system try icons a hint tag will appear showing what it is) and click on Run Spybot-S&D. If it is not in the system tray and it is installed on your computer you can start it by click on Start, pointing at all programs, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and click on Spybot - Search & Destroy. Depending on how it has been started before you may see a window headed Legal Stuff. Read the text in it and press ok. What the test means is that because some programs rely on advertising to all or some of the revenue to their authors that using Spybot to remove that advertising may make the program no longer work.
  2. Look at the Spybot window and see if you can work out how it operates. Do this initially by pointing at various parts of the window, then clicking on various parts and finally selecting items from the menu. Note what happens and carefully read what is presented to you. If you do not understand something make a note of it.
  3. Click on Help and then Tutorial. Read all the tutorial. You may need to make the help/tutorial window full size. If you don't understand something in the tutorial make a note of it. You could start Notepad and type the notes of what you don't understand in Notepad. Don't forget to save it.
  4. Re read the notes of what you don't understand. You may discover that because you have now read the tutorial what you previously not understood you now do.
  5. Close the Spybot help/tutorial window. Click on Help and then Contents. Read the welcome information.
  6. Based on the items you have not understood click on what you feel may be appropriate in the contents and read the appropriate help
  7. If the contents can't help you try clicking on the index. It is in alphabetical order
  8. If neither the Contents or Index can help you, click on the Search tab, type in what you are looking click one click List Topics and double click on the topic you wish to display so you can read it.
  9. If none of the above allows you to understand what you don't understand don't despair because most help systems are written by the authors of the program who appear to have trouble bringing them down to the level of us mere mortals. So you are not alone. Ask you tutor the next time you you see then about what you don't understand.
  10. If you have not already done so click back to the Spybot window. Click on the left Search and Destroy button. Click on the Search for Problems button. You can now wait for it to finish, perhaps go do something else as it will take a while, or click on the stop check button. The Green bar at the bottom shows the progress of the scanning for problems.
  11. If Spybot does find some problems (they are the ones in red) click on one of them and click on the Fix selected problems button and watch what happens. You may have to make more decisions based on what Spybot does and some descriptions of problems that most likely mean nothing to you. This is because they are names for thing that some people have made up that you and I have never heard of of before. Just like you most likely had never head the name Spybot before today. Even though you don't know what to do you have to make a decision.
  12. Exit Spybot

Self test on Spyware Removal and Prevention

  1. Start Spybot
  2. Do a spybot scan
  3. If spybot finds a threat remove it.

How to change which program starts when you double-click a file in Windows XP Exercises

  1. Whilst holding down the Windows key press the E key. What happened? You should now be viewing the Windows Explorer window.
  2. Click on a folder or navigate through folders until you can see some some files with a .JPG extension.
  3. Double Click on the files that has a.JPG extension. What happened and why. A JPG file being a picture file, a program that allows you to view the picture will start and will it will show you the picture. How did the computer know to use this particular program to show you the picture? If you don't know, keep going with the following points as you will learn later on. Note the name of the program that showed you the picture. Close the program that is showing you the picture.
  4. Right click on the same JPG file you used above. What is shown? Point at “Open with”. What is shown? One of the items will be the program you noted above.
  5. Click on one of the names other than the program that you noted above. What happened? You can see the same picture but you are using a different program to view it. “Open with” allows you to use programs other than what is called the default program to open a file. Close the picture viewing files again
  6. Again right click on the same JPG file you used above and point at “Open with”. This time click on “Chose program”. What happened? A new window should open to allow you to select which program you want to use to open the JPG file. Can you see something different about this place where you select the program compared to last time? Notice the Tick box “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file”. Tick this box, select a different program than the one highlighted and then click ok. What happened? That program opened the JPG file.
  7. Close the program showing the picture. Now double click the same JPG file. What program opened the file? Why? Close the program and reopen the JPG file multiple times. What happened? Because in a previous step you ticked the box “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file”, you have now made this program the default program for opening JPG files. Or you have associated this program with JPG files or made to computer to always, untill you again change it, use this program for JPG extension files.
  8. Use what you have learnt so far to change fies with JPG extensions to use other programs that you have yet to try. Finally change it back to the program the computer was originally set to.
  9. Within the Windows Explorier window click on Tools, Folder Options. On the File Types Tab. What is shown?
  10. Scroll down the list until you find JPG files. Notice what it said, in the bottom section of this dialogue. Notice that you can also change which program is used to open JPG files here
  11. Scroll through the list to see which programs are used to open which types of files. This is where the computer knows what program to open what files.

Self test on How to change which program starts when you double-click a file in Windows XP

  1. Change the default program that opens JPG files to open them with the Paint program
  2. Change the default program that opens JPG files from the Paint Paint program back to what it was

When do you right click and when do you left click the mouse exercises

  1. Right click on a blank area of this window. What happened? Where have you seen these functions before? If you don't know Click on the some on the pull down menus.
  2. Select this text. Now right click. What happened? Why is the menu different than what it was in step one? Where have you seen these functions before. If you don't know click on the edit menu.
  3. Right click on the this word here. Why is the menu different again? The reason these context menus are different is they have been each used in different circumstances (context).
  4. Try using other programs and right clicking on different parts of the screen to see what context menus come up. Also try right clicking under different circumstances to see if you will get different context menus.

Tool bars on programs and altering them Exercises

  1. Start open Office Writer. Note the tool bars.
  2. Point at each toobar item and note the hint that appears. If you don't know what an item does see if you can find out about it in the help
  3. From the view menu point at toolbars. What appears. Note which items are ticked and which are not.
  4. Tick one of the items that is not ticked. What happened. Depending on how the toolbar was last used either it will be placed amongst the other toolbars (docked) or will be shown somewhere else in the Writer widow (floating toolbar).
  5. If it is a floating toolbar drag it to another position within the window. What happened. You can place a floating toolbar where ever you like. Now drag it up to beside and to the right of the existing toolbars. What happened. You have docked the toolbar to the other toolbars. Un-dock this toolbar by draging it by the dotted icon that is the left most icon on the tool bar, to another position other than the toolbars. What happened and why?
  6. On the View menu point to Toolbars and un-tick the one you ticked in the earlier step
  7. Use what you have learnt to show, dock, un-dock, and not show other toolbars
  8. Click on the downward pointing triangle to the right of any toolbar. What happened? Point at and experiment with each of these options.
  9. Try moving the docked toolbars to the sides of the Writer window? You can dock toolbars to any of the 4 sides of a window.
  10. Try switching off and on and rearrange the position various icons on a toolbar
  11. Try creating your own toolbar. You can do this from the View menu, Toolbar, Customize, the click the new button.

Self Test Tool bars on programs and altering them

  1. Not which toolbars are currently on
  2. Switch off all the toolbars that are on
  3. Switch on all the toolbars that you noted in point 1

Flash drives and how to operate them Exercises

  1. Plug in a flash drive. What happened? What do each of these options mean? The options that come up will depend on what programs you have installed on your computer.
  2. Double click on the option “Open Folder to view files using Windows Explorer”. What happened? Click on the Folders Icon. What happened and why?
  3. Notice the letter that is assocated with the flash drive. Note which one it is.
  4. Click on the C drive in the folder pane. If it has a + to the left of it click on it. What happened?
  5. Click on the folder called “Applications on this PC” if their is one on you computer. If their is not click on any folder. What happened?
  6. Whilst still pointing at that folder right click. What happened? Click on Copy. What happened.
  7. Click on the USB drive letter you noted in point 3 above. You may have to scroll the folder names to find it. What happened.
  8. Whilst still pointing at the USB drive letter right click. What happened?. Click on Paste. What happened.
  9. The steps above were used to copy the files within the folder you selected from the C Drive to your USB drive
  10. Point at each item on the system tray (to the left of the time on the start bar) until you find the one that shows “Safely Remove Hardware” in the hints tag that appears. If you can't find it you may have to click on the one “Show Hidden Icons”. Click on the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon in the system tray. What happened?
  11. A button message “Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device- Drive (E:)” may come up. If it does click on it. Alternatively you may get a new window opening showing you the USB Mass Storage devise with a Stop button on it. Click the stop Button. You get a message saying that the device can not be stopped right now or something to that effect, in which case it means that you are using a file on the USB drive, that you have a Windows Explore screen open showing the USB drive or that the computer has yet to finish writing information to the drive. Either correct the situation or wait a short time and repeat this step.
  12. When you get a Message that in part sais “Safe to remove Hardware” then and only then can you remove the USB drive from your computer. To do otherwise could result in the information that you were copying to the drive to be lost or the USB Drive not to work at all
  13. Provided you do not put information on the USB drive, eg you only copied information FROM it you can remove the Drive from the computer without going through the Safe removal process.

Self Test Flash drives and how to operate them

  1. Plug in your USB drive and copy any files from it to your C drive
  2. Remove the USB Drive
  3. Plug in your USB drive and copy any files from your C drive to the USB Drive
  4. Safely remove your USB drive

drag'n'drop Exercises

  1. Whilst holding down the windows key press “E” key. What happened?
  2. In the folders panel click on “My Documents” if you are using Windows XP or the folder with your name if you are using Vista
  3. From the File Menu click on New then Folder. What happened and why? type “DragnDrop Exercises” and press the Enter Key. What happened
  4. In the folder panel click on the the DragNDrop Exercises folder. Why is the files panel blank? Right click on the files panel. What happened and why?
  5. Point at New then click on Text Document. What happened? Press enter on New Text Document. What happened and why?
  6. Again right click on a blank area of the file panel, point at New then click on Text Document. What happened? Press enter on New Text Document(2). What happened and why?
  7. Repeat the above step 3 more times so that you end up with up to New Text Document (4)
  8. Right click in the files panel, point at New then click on Folder. Type in “Level 2” then press enter. What did this do?
  9. Drag over all the “New Text Document” files. What happened. This is another way of selecting multiple files. Make sure only the files are selected and not the “Level 2” folder button
  10. Whilst pointing at any of the selected files drag then to the “Level 2” Folder and then release the mouse button. What happened? Where have the files gone and why?
  11. Double click on the “Level 2” folder. Why are the files there? The drag and Drop function you performed moves files
  12. Whilst holding down the CRTL key press the “Z” key. What happened? CTRL + Z means undo the last function so it un-did the Drag and Drop Move ie put the files back to where they originally were.
  13. Whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “Y” key. What happened? CTRL + Y means redo the last done function so it re-did the Drag and Drop Move ie moved the files back to the “Level 2” folder. Whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “Z” key again so that the files are back in the “dragndrop Exercises” folder.
  14. Click on the Dragdrop Exercises Folder in the folder panel so that it is selected
  15. Again drag over all the “New Text Document” files to select them. Again point at any of the files but this time hold down the CTRL key whilst dragging to the “Level 2” folder. Did you notice something different was display whilst you were dragging? It showed a + whilst you were dragging.
  16. Let go the mouse button. What happened. The files are still shown. Click on the “Level 2” folder in the folder panel. What is shown in the files panel. The files are there as well. That is because holding down the CTRL key whilst dragging performs a copy process rather than a move process
  17. Start Outlook Express (email) or what ever client email program you use. Create a new blank message. On the task bar click on the Windows Explorer program you were using before.
  18. Make sure you can see the files in the “DragnDrop Exercises folder”. Select all the “New Text document” files. Whilst pointing at any one of the files drag then down to the compose email program on the task bar but DO NOT let go of the mouse button. The Email composition window should appear. Point at the email composition window and then release the mouse button. What happened. The files are shown as attachments to the email. Provided the programs you are using support Drag and Drop and the appropriate files formats you can drag information from one program to another.
  19. Close the email program without saving the message.
  20. Delete the folders you created in this exercise

Self test drag'n'drop

  1. In Windows Explorer move files from one folder to another by dragging them
  2. In Window Explore copy files from one folder to another by dragging them
  3. Attach a number of files to an email message by dragging then from Windows Explorer

Copying, cut and pasting Exercises

  1. Start Notepad
  2. Type the letters “a” through to “z” ie abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Press enter
  3. Select all the text you just typed. Right click on the selected text and click on copy. Position on the line below the text
  4. Whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “V” key. What happened? CTRL + V is the same as paste.
  5. Again whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “V” key. What happened? The same text got pasted again without you having to copy it. This is because the process of pasting does not remove the copied text from the Clipboard, the place where copied information is stored
  6. Whilst holding down the CTRL key press the “V” 10 times. What happened? The text now appears 10 times
  7. Select the text “abcd” and copy and paste it 10 times. Why did it only paste “abcd” rather than “a” though to “z”? Because the process of copying over writes, replaces, what ever was in the clipboard.
  8. Select text “wxyz”. Whilst holding down the CTRL key press the “x” key. what happened? The “wxyz” disappeared.
  9. Move to the end of the text and whilst holding down the CTRL key press the “v” key what happened? The “wxyz” appeared at the bottom of the text
  10. Click on the Edit menu. Notice to the right of each function it shows you the hot key, keyboard equivalent, functions for each of the editing functions such as Cut, Copy and Paste.
  11. Close Notepad without saving

Self Test Copying, cut and pasting

  1. Start Wordpad
  2. Type the digits 1 through to 9
  3. Copy this text and paste it 10 times
  4. Cut the digits “456” from the first line and past it to below the last line
  5. Close Wordpad without saving

Photo Story 3 Exercises

  1. If you did not know how to use Photo Story how would you find out.
  2. Start Photo Story. What appears? If you want to Begin a new story what would you do. Click on Begin a new story.
  3. What to you think you would have to do to proceed to the next step? Click the Next Button. What apppears on the next screen.
  4. What do you think you would do next? If you did no know how would you find out? Click on Import Pictures. What happened?
  5. You need to navigate to a folder that contains pictures. To select multiple pictures hold down the CLRL key and click on the pictures you want to use, and then click ok. What happened.
  6. How do you think you would re order the pictures? Try dragging them to different positions on the film strip (where the small photos are near the bottom of the window)
  7. Use what you have learnt to move on to the next step, add a title to your picture. Put an appropriate title on each picture and experiment with the positioning, size, font and colour of a title.
  8. Move on to the next step, Narrate your picture and customize motion. Record something against each picture and customize the motion (how the change from one picture to the next)
  9. Move on to the next step, Add Background music. Select or create some music and then move on to the next step, Save your story.
  10. Go on to the next step. What happened? View your completed story.
  11. What have you learnt. What did you not learn? How could you learn what you did not learn?

Self Test Photo Story 3

  1. Create a photo story using your own pictures and music

Using Tabbed web pages in IE7 Exercises

  1. Right click on the this link What is shown? What do you think is the difference between the first three items? Click on “Open in New Tab” What happened? Notice that a new tab has appeared above this. Before you click on that tab you will have to click on this tab to get back to here. Click on the new tab. What happened? Click back on the original tab What do you think is the difference between opening something in a new tab and going back with the back button?
  2. Whilst holding down the CTRL key click on this link What happened? Clicking on a link whilst holding down the CTRL key is the same as right clicking and selecting “Open in New Tab”. Switch to the Telstra tab and CTRL + click on about 6 links. What happened. Notice you can see the other tabs loading.
  3. Click on the button with the 4 boxes on it to the left of the tabs. What happened? You can see all the tabs. Click on the one with these notes
  4. Whilst holding down the CTRL Key press the “T” key. What happened? A new blank tab was opened. This is useful when you want to look enter a web address or so a search without using one of your existing tabs
  5. Right click on the tab for this page. What is shown? Click on “Close Other Tabs” What happened. This is handy when you have many tabs open and you want to close them all except one.
  6. Right click on this link and then click on “Open in New Window” What happened? Notice the new version of internet explorer on the task bar. Click on it. You can have multiple tabs in multiple windows. Try CTRL + clicking on the links on this window.
  7. Whilst holding down the shift key click on any link. What happened? Shift + clicking is the same as right clicking and selecting “Open in New Window”

Self Test Using Tabbed web pages in IE7

  1. Go to any web site that have multiple links
  2. Go to a link via another tab. Do this 3 more times
  3. Show all the opened tabs on the screen. Select on of these
  4. Go to a link via a new window.
  5. Go to the window where you have the multiple tabs open
  6. Close all the tabs except one via one operation.

Searching Without opening a web page Exercises

  1. Type the word “Fish” into the search box that is at the top of the Internet Explorer window to the right of the address bar and then click on the Magnify Glass icon. What happened? The results of a search will appear. What is the benefit of doing this instead of first calling up a search engine web page like Google?
  2. Open a new tab (CTRL + N). In the search box type in “banana” and click on the search icon. What happened?
  3. Click on the triangle to the right of the Search icon. What happened? What do these options allow you to do? Experiment with these options

Self Test Searching Without opening a web page

  1. Without opening a web page search for “searching without opening a web page”

Advanced Searches using Google Exercises

  1. Open a new tab (CTRL + T). This is so you can swap between these notes and what you have to do
  2. Open Google ie In the Google search box type in “Mothers Day flowers” and then click on Search button.
  3. Towards the top right of the Google results will be the text ” Results 1 - 10 of about“ followed by a number. That is how many pages Google found that have words “Mother” or “Day” or “flowers” in them.
  4. Click the button “Advanced Search” on the Google Result page. What happened? Read all the information on this page.
  5. Select the text “Mothers Day flowers”. Press CTRL + X (Cut) click in the box “this exact wording or phrase”, Press CTRL + V (Paste), click on the “Advanced Search” button. How many pages were found this time? The reason their are less is because you searched for the exact phrase “Mothers Day flowers”. Notice also the text “Mothers Day flowers” is now surrounded by quotation marks. Without going into the advanced search in Google you can force the search for an exact phrase by putting quotation marks around it.
  6. Click on the Advanced search button again. What other options are available in advanced search? In the “Search within a site or domain:” box type “au” and click the “Advanced Search” Button. How many results did you get this time? The “au” forced Google to only search for sites that had “au” at the end of their domain name. ie .au
  7. Go into advanced search again a type “” in the “Search within a site or domain:” box? and click the “Advanced Search” button. How many results did you get this time. The results ware only for the web site

Self Test Advanced Searches using Google

  1. Search for the exact phrase “Prepaid Mobile” on the site
intermediate_course_exercises.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/26 09:19 (external edit)