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Covid-19 No Vax

Exemption to Covid-19 Vaccination


It was pointed out to me by my son Glen that the page I refer to below is a General Immunisation medical exemptions. Not specific to Covid-19.

I wondered how I missed that until I retraced how I found that page.

I came to it from this page:

Which is headed:

“If you can’t have a COVID-19 vaccination for medical reasons”

It's speciality about Covid-19.

It has a paragraph containing a link at the bottom that reads “Check what some of the medical reasons are for getting an exemption from having a vaccine and who can provide this exemption”

I assumed, incorrectly, that the page it was linking to was for exemption for COVID-19 vaccinations.

But it is not. It is a general exemption to vaccinations.

A confusing Government website.

What is now wrong

According to this, Australia Government website, you can be exampt from having to have a Vaccination if you:

“have natural immunity—for hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox only.”

From the research I have done it is possible to have blood test to see if you have natural immunity to the above.

I dont no if it would cost to have such blood tests or if it would be covered by Medicare.

I also don't know why this gives someone an exemption from having a vaccine considering that further down on the same above web page it says that previously having Covid-19 does not provide a reason for exemption from vaccination.


The above website says that you have to have natural immunity ONLY for those diseases. Implying that if you have immunity for other diseases then the exemption would not apply. It would be interesting to know why?

Reason for anti vaxxers

If the reason an anti-vaxxer felt that the government were trying to persuade them to have something put in their bloodstream that they didn't want, in certain circumstances the above exception maybe a way out.

However if the antivaxxers felt the Covid-19 was only a government conspiracy to control the populace then I wouldnt imagine having a blood test rather than a vaccination would make much difference.

DNA testing

Whilst writing this I discovered I hade previously found a 2006 research paper suggesting that the data from the Human Genome Project could be used against a worldwide pandemic as opposed to mass inoculation.

But, without me understanding the whole thing, I would have thought that would also mean having everyones DNA, or at least having everybody DNA tested.

I'm sure that wouldn't go down very well with anti vaxxers

See also Keeping The Community Safe With New COVID Immunity Test

covid_no_vax.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/03 20:00 by geoff