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Answers to Questions asked in Speech recognition webinar

copy of the recording

Amy Ribbons 12:00 PM Are we able to get a copy of the recording?

Answer: Yes, see the note at the beginning of the training notes or click Here :Webinar Recording

Split page

Junita Lyon Victorian Networker 1 12:21 PM Split page I want to know how to do that!

Answer: Look at these links to my training material on this: and

How safe is it

Karen Edser 12:25 PM How safe is it

Answer: No less safe than using a Keyboard. The only other consideration is that other people around you can hear what you are saying

how does it know when to 'type' the words and when it's an instruction?

Dianna 12:32 PM how does it know when to 'type' the words and when it's an instruction?

Answer: It only knows that any words that are not instructions (commands) are words it has to type, if it is in a application were it can type. Hence if you start talking with a word that is a command it will treat it as a command. To be able to have it type words that are commands you can say the word “Literal” before the command word and it will then literally type those words. For example if you where to say “right Click” it would do equivalent to right clicking the mouse. But if you where to say “Literal right click” it would type the words “right click”.

never start a sentence with File Edit View etc

Catherine Devlin 12:33 PM Maybe you can never start a sentence with File Edit View etc. Ha ha

Answer: You can if you say the word “literal” before any of those words. In the demonstration I gave it only would accept those words as comands because they where in the menu of the program that was being used, In this case Notepad. If you where using a program that did not have those words as menus, e.g. Wordpad, then, as they are not menu items, they are not command so would be typed as words as spoken without having to say the word “literal” befor them.

how would you tell it to select the next instance of that word?

Garth 12:35 PM When you ask it to select a word, how would you tell it to select the next instance of that word?


If the word you ask it to select appears more than once on the screen it will show each instance of the word with a number against it. You then have to say the number representing which word you wish to select. Speech recognition only searches in the words that are currently being displayed on the screen.

necessity for monotone voice

Catherine Devlin 12:36 PM So very good but I'm slightly disturbed by the necessity for monotone voice.

Answer: It is not necessary to speak in a monotone voice. You can speak in any way you like, including emphasizing words.

does it learn your accent?

Dianna 12:39 PM does it learn your accent?

Answer: Yes, mainly by you saying, “ correct that” when it does not show the correct words.

What about Mac?

Michael Haseler 12:55 PM What about Mac?

Answer: I have no knowledge of what type of speech recognition is available for the Mac.

Control Panel on these BFS pc's

Peter Opitz 12:58 PM it would be nice if we could access Control Panel on these BFS pc's gnition Answer: it is possible to start voice recognition without going through control panel. See Starting Speech Recognition in Vista

take minutes

Amy Ribbons 1:11 PM I take minutes for a national group. How can I best use this effectiviely

Answer: It would be difficult to use Speech recognition during a meeting as there would be too much background noise and you would annoy other people by dictating during a meeting. As minutes of meetings are not usually taken verbatim it is usually up to the minute taker to decide what should and should not be included in the minutes. To that extent it is creative typing. Therefore Speech recognition could be used to write up minutes after the meeting has taken place.

how does SR go with strong accents

Georgina 1:28 PM how does SR go with strong accents??

Answer: During the webinar, Keith Harvey mentioned that Senator Doug Cameron does use speech recognition. He has a strong Scottish (glaswegian) accent.

take minutes 2

Dianna 1:30 PM it would be good to use this to take minutes in a meeting

Answer: See answer above.

lot of trouble with following the keyboard

Anne 1:30 PM What a fabulous program. I've been tutoring a lady at BFS who would benefit from something like this as she has a lot of trouble with following the keyboard. I think that we often forget that people accessing BFS are not familiar with using keyboards.

Answer: Yes, anybody not familiar with the keyboard would most likely spending less time learning speech recognition than learning where the keys are on the keyboard. This is providing they have the skills to use a computer.

See also list of what typing people do captured in the chat of the Webinar

answers_to_chat.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/11 10:04 (external edit)