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No. In depends completely of the wishes of the owner of the copyright material. They may or may not allow it to be copied and may allow it for some people and not others, or in some circumstances and not others. The fact that something is copyright give no indication as to it is can or can not be copied.

No. The same answer applies for the above question

Creative Commons Material can be copied?

Not necessarily and not under all conditions. It completely depends on the creative commons licence. Although creative commons licensed material usually can be copied often, certain conditions need to be complied with.

Whoever created the material owns it?

No. Not necessarily. If the person that created is employed then the employer own it. It it was created as part of a contract then it will depend on the conditions of the contract.

Only in the case of unpublished material. All other material has limits on the term of the copyright. See How long does copyright last?

Any Government material can be copied?

No. The copyright act specifically states that all commonwealth government material is subject to copyright such that the owner, the commonwealth, decides if and how it is to be copied.

Anything put in media can be copyrighted?

No. Case law has indicated that individual words and common phrases can not be copyrighted on the basis that they are not substantial enough to constitute literary works and that they fail to satisfy the test of originality under copyright law. Though some names and phrases can be subject to patient and trademark laws. Also if something can not be described in any other way it is unlikely to be able to be copyrighted

answers2.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/10 15:00 (external edit)