Please click on the “Edit this page” button above then below this write, your Email address , a bit about yourself, what knowledge you have of computers, including other training courses you have done and what you hope to achieve in doing this course.
When you have finished click on the Save button
ohrod1@bigpond.com Have done beginners,email, emaail & enternet courses here.Am slow at retaining what we do and love notes on what we have done.
YOUR NAME :Anne Brown Date : 29/05/09
COURSE NAME : Intermediate
COURSE TUTOR : Geoff Greig
DID THIS COURSE MEET YOUR NEEDS? Delete Which in Not applicable YES NO
What Were The Things you found most beneficial/interesting :
Any ways the course could be improved :
What Were the things you found more difficult to grasp :
For the things you found difficult, is there anything which could have assisted you more within the time available and the scope of the course.
Please Rate : 5 being best, 1 being worst