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I currently have 2 EBikes


But only until today.

Actually as of the morning of 17/1/2022 I still had the 2 bikes because the transport company that kogan use did not pick up the fault bike, as was arranged, last Friday. Supposedly they will be picking it up today.

One of them is not working.

Just before Christmas I got a replacement bike for the one that had a faulty steering. I had waited almost a month to get it, at no $cost to me.

After I got it, on the 24th of December, it packed in. Electrix were completely dead. I eventually found the problem to be a blown fuse. Replace the fuse and it blew again almost straight away.

After what I've been through the last time to get a replacement bike, I told Kogan I was not going to send the old one back until the new one arrived.

Thats how come of currently got 2.

They will be picking up the faulty one tomorrow.

The original one was about 2 1/2 years old and had done about 6000 kilometres. Hopefully the new 3rd one will last a bit longer than that.

The bike I have had since childhood is over 70 years old so I judge all other bikes based in it.

See My old bike

2_ebikes.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/17 06:12 by geoff