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Good Speller

Previous I read somwhere that a “good Speller” would spell about 80% of words “correctly”.

I thought I would try find where I had read it, so did a Google search on “good Speller” and found this:

“Noun 1. good speller - someone who spells words”

On the same website I also found this

“Noun 1. poor speller - someone who spells words”

So a good and a poor speller are the same?

Though I better look up the definition of Speller. Found this:

“verb 1. write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence. “Dolly spelled her name””

It would therefore appear that the difference between good and a poor Spellers is based on how “correct” the individuals are.

Defination of correct

“adjective free from error; in accordance with fact or truth. “make sure you have been given the correct information””


“noun a thing that is known or proved to be true. “he ignores some historical and economic facts””


adjective “1. in accordance with fact or reality. “a true story””

Now we are going around in circles. Which is what typically happens when using definations

I still have been unable to find where I read that a good speller get 80% of words correct. I cant even find anything simple about spelling rating. Google just keeps giving me things on how to improve spelling. Perhaps that's reflection on how bad written communication actually is.

My bottom line here is that nobody can spell every word 100% correctly all the time. If it is that difficult, why do we put up with it?

See my take on Spelng

Below Derived From:

List of language regulators

For English ther is No regulator

good_speller.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/16 08:36 by geoff