Assume work 38 hours per week for 46 weeks. 52 week less 4 weeks annual leave and 2 weeks public holidays. = 1748 Hours
Divided by 365 days times 24 hours (8,760 hours) gives 20%
of awake hours, 365 days times 16 hours (5,840 hours) gives 30%
average life expectancy in Australia was 82.75 years in 2018
that equates to 724,890 hours
assuming a working career of 45 years. 20 to 65
using the above annual working paid hours of 1,748 that equates to a paid working life of 78,660 hours.
which is 11% of total life hours.
the average “fully employed” person in Australia only gets paid for 11% of their time.
89% of their time is not paid for.