Whilst reserching this I found some great graphics that infure that traffic lights are poping up like trees
A UK Study: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/news/revealed-how-long-you-really-spend-waiting-at-traffic-lights/
Another UK Story: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/comment/traffic-lights-cause-more-harm-than-good/
Yet another UK Article suggesting that removing painted lines signs and Traffic Lights could improve safety and traffic flow
“Most road clutter has been installed piecemeal with little empirical justification, even traffic lights. “There has never been comprehensive research to demonstrate the benefits of traffic signals, either in the context of safety or traffic flow,” observes Hamilton-Baillie. “But there have been a number of studies to show they have minimal or even negative effect on traffic safety, in spite of the tens of millions spent by highway authorities each year on their installation and maintenance.”
This guy admits to deliberately going through red lights, but only when it is safe to do so.
Im in no way suggesting that anyone should do what this guy does. But it does make you think. Is breaking traffic laws being unsafe?
This paper give the benefits of retiming traffic lights but does not go to the next level of researching the benefits of having traffic lights.
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Another link that no longer exists. But see replacement below.
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