These exercises are designed to teach you how to use windows 7 speech recognition. To be able to do them you will need a computer with windows 7 and with a working microphone, preferably one with a headset.
Before you start read:How this training is Done
If you feel there any mistakes in these notes, please e-mail me at:
Click here for information about using speech recognition in Vista
Click here for information about using speech recognition in Vista
Note: because the speech tutorial takes up the entire screen you will not be able to see these exercises until after you finish the tutorial. After you finish the tutorial, return to these exercises.
Do what is required to start speech recognition.
NOTE: During this session, if the words you say do not appear as they should, do not attempt to correct them. Editing using speech recognition will be presented in the next session.
In the previous session, if you made a mistake you just left it as it was. This was so that you could concentrate on only learning how to use speech recognition to dictate without worrying about the mistakes it made or you made. In this session if any mistakes are made you will use speech recognition to correct them.
It is always better to use the speech recognition to correct mistakes rather than doing it yourself, that way the speech recognition learns from its mistakes.
To be able to do the following exercises mistakes need to be made. So tend to slur your dictation words a bit when speaking.