Table of Contents


COURSE NAME : COMPUTER USE FUNDAMENTALS - 1 (Mouse, Scroll Bars, Keyboard, Intro to Desktop screen, Open and use simple programs (Common Tools : cut, copy, paste, move, navigate around text file, create file)

DESIGNED FOR : For those with little or no experience with computers. No minimum criteria.

OUTCOMES : It is intended that at the end of the course participants will : Be able to understand the use of a mouse and computer keyboard and to navigate around a desk top screen Understand the simple cycle of using a computer : i.e. opening a program, inputting data, saving as a data file to filing system and going back and opening a saved file. Identify and simply utilise the various elements of a desktop screen Know the location of programs on their computer, how to find their way to those programs and how to open a program Use the common tools which are used across all Windows programs Save a file to their filing system (Windows Explorer/File Manager) Understand the concept of Windows Explorer/File Manager

COURSE AGENDA (Session = 3 hrs)

Session 1 :

Ergonomics, Mouse, Scroll Bars, Keyboard, Task Bar,

  1. Overview of computers, what is a program, difference between an operating system and other programs, why we might use a computer, difference between on- and off-line
  2. Ergonomics - to reduce physical strain on body and eyes
  3. Mouse - Point, Click, Drag, scroll wheel (both hands on and hands-off) How to Use a Mouse / When to use Single Click vs. Double Click When to use the left or right click

  1. Scrolling - different ways to work through your screen (vertical & horizontal across bars
  2. Switching on and off a computer - different ways, Screen saver/mouse interaction
  3. Meaning of computer hardware & software, overview of the basic parts and what they are used for on a desktop computer, differences between desktop and notebook computers
  4. Overview of computer cycle and Input, Processing, Storage and Output (including permanent and temporary memory)
  5. Select, cut, copy, paste, move
  6. Keyboard explanation
  7. Screen - Task Bar (overview)

Session 2 :

The Desktop and its Icons, Desktop Screen - other elements, Progams, Windows, Start

  1. Overview of touch typing - benefits, how to find out ways
  2. Desktop - What it is, why it is, the Icons & how to manipulate and multiple selection
  3. Screen - What is a System Tray, Quick Launch Bar, review Task Bar
  4. Opening programs
  5. Windows programs- Minimise, Restore Down, Maximise, Close
  6. Menu Bar - File, Edit, View, etc.
  7. Start Button - Start Menu - Recently Opening Programs, Windows Explorer options
  8. (If time) Introduction to Windows Explorer/File Manager and permanent and temporary memory
  9. Review of above and Desktop Exercises and create a data file in 'Paint' and 'WordPad', save and open (including simple cut, copy, paste and fonts within the program)
  10. Open programs, cut, copy, paste, move around the document, change fonts, switch between programs, minimise, restore down, maximise, save and re-open.
  11. Review each element of the windows desktop screen
  12. More on Start Button and Start Menu to: Navigate through menus, Access My Computer, My Documents, Help and Support, Control Panel (simple settings)
  13. Explanation of Change Users, Hibernate, Standby and turn off your computer.
  14. Overview for understanding of viruses, security, scams